  • 學位論文


Understanding the Influence of Public Library Services on Older Adults: A Social Capital Perspective

指導教授 : 林珊如


老年生活中的資訊獲取、學習動機、日常生活安排等各方面皆與社會網絡的維繫及建立息息相關;而公共圖書館的開放性,以及其中的學習、休閒、志願服務活動,則具備協助使用者維繫和建立社為網絡之潛力。進一步而言,公共圖書館或許有助於豐富中高齡使用者之社會資本。社會資本係以社會網絡為基礎,涵蓋了個體透過該社會網絡所能獲取之資源,以及有助於維繫該網絡、促進網絡成員為共同目標而集體行動之要素,如成員間的信任、互惠規範等。本研究以社會資本理論為基礎,分別從公共圖書館員與中高齡使用者的角度,探索公共圖書館之樂齡服務規劃、中高齡者實際使用圖書館服務之情形,從而瞭解公共圖書館服務對於中高齡者的社會網絡之建立與維繫、社會資源的獲取之影響,以及中高齡者在公共圖書館內發展社會資本所遭遇之困難。 研究設計上,本研究從大臺北地區選定中高齡服務人口多且樂齡活動豐富的四所公共圖書館,實際於四館辦理的推廣活動進行田野觀察,並訪談各館負責規劃樂齡服務之館員,及35位年滿55歲、未就業且頻繁使用研究場域之使用者。 在公共圖書館樂齡服務發展方面,公共圖書館結合了公私立文教單位、政府機關、專家公會、基金會、養護機構之資源辦理活動,並透過上述各單位之引薦、其他專業組織機構、專家或館內使用者引薦、邀請圖書作者等方式,將專業資源連結予中高齡者。 從觀察及訪談中高齡者之資料中,發現中高齡者除了在館內進行閱讀或學習活動、志願服務,亦可能為了完成個人事務,進入館內尋求熟識之館員或使用者的協助,或將公共圖書館作為交誼場所,至館內尋求他人的陪伴。 進一步從中高齡者個人的角度觀之,使用公共圖書館服務有助於中高齡者與館內他人,包括館員、志工、其他使用者、活動講師建立關係。此外,中高齡者為了延續活動的訓練、滿足興趣、或因志願服務需要,而組成正式社團,而正式社團又可能進一步與館外團體或機構建立合作關係。透過上述社會網絡,中高齡者可獲得工具性、情緒性及資訊性的支持,其中部分情緒性與資訊性支持可能較難以透過其館外親友獲得。而中高齡者透過熱門館藏獲知新議題、參與活動產出作品或培養新技能,亦有助中高齡者與館外親友聯繫互動,同時使中高齡者成為其社會網絡中更好的資源提供者。 從中高齡者的館內社會網絡整體觀之,中高齡受訪者對於公共圖書館、館員、及其他使用者展現了信任與互惠行為,其中的原因包括:館員無私且積極主動的服務態度、與其他使用者的互動過程中感受到關心、與其他使用者在館外無共同的人際圈。此外,中高齡者及其館內社會網絡成員,為使館內的團體活動持續且順利運作,而發展出正式或非正式的規範及約束行為。 中高齡者透過公共圖書館服務維繫或建立社會資本之障礙,則涵蓋「公共圖書館政策」、「團體活動安排」和「使用者個人特質」三方面之因素。 根據研究發現,研究建議在「公共圖書館服務規劃」方面,於活動安排上,加入小組互動之機會、建立互動性強之跨世代交流平臺、安排作品創作或成果展演、鼓勵中高齡者在活動結束後組織自主學習團體並提供活動空間、培養中高齡者之資訊與通訊科技素養;在協助中高齡者進一步運用其社會資本上,作為志願機會及繼續就業之仲介平臺、並與館內外各單位合作,規劃更多志願服務機會;在館藏資源選擇上,為中高齡者介紹規則簡易、牌面字體大且顏色分明之桌上遊戲;在空間規劃上,提供可自由談話、家具舒適、光線充足且使用規範簡便之空間。在「館員、活動帶領者與中高齡者之互動策略」方面,建議主動對中高齡者表達關心並使用其所熟悉之語言。在「館內自主學習團體的經營」方面,建議協助新加入者熟悉團體的活動方式及其中的成員、採分組方式進行活動。最後,根據本研究之限制及發現,提出進一步研究議題與資料蒐集方法之相關建議。


Social capital is related to the benefits of social connections. The research framework of this study followed social capital theory. The purpose of this study was to explore the influences of public library services on older adult patrons. Two approaches were used. The first, which focused on social capital at the individual level, investigated older adults’ activities in public libraries and the effects of library services on the quality and quantity of their social networks. The second, which focused on the group level, defined social capital as a collective asset that is inherent in social networks, wherein trust and norms are established to facilitate cooperation for mutual benefit. This approach examined the trust and norms that older adults developed in public libraries. Data were collected in the summer of 2015 through interviews with four librarians and thirty-five older adult patrons at four public libraries in Taipei City and New Taipei City. Observations were also conducted to gather contextual data and supplement the interview data. The results indicated that older adults used public libraries not only for reading, learning, and volunteering but also to seek assistance and companionship. It was found that, at the individual level, older adults develop relationships with people in public libraries by using library materials or participating in library programs. Furthermore, older adults and other library users tend to organize formal groups to do volunteer work, implement the training that library programs provide, or pursue their interests. These relationships and groups contribute to social capital in several ways: by connecting older adults to community resources and experts; by providing instrumental, emotional, and informational support; by reinforcing the existing relationships of older adults; and by making the older adults better supporters of social resources in their social networks. At the group level, older adults develop trust in the people in public libraries. This trust is built through their friendly, positive interactions with librarians and their fellow patrons. The privacy granted by the people in libraries is also attractive to the older adults. The librarians and the other patrons listen and show their support, and they do not share what they have heard. Moreover, to ensure the smooth functioning of the groups organized by older adults, the groups’ members develop informal norms of reciprocity and sanction. However, due to the limitations of the “public library policy”, “program arrangement”, or “older adult patrons’ personal qualities”, older adults sometimes find it difficult to stay engaged in these group activities and thus to keep the groups active. Based on the findings, suggestions for library programming strategies are proposed. First, public libraries should utilize the expertise of older adults to assist with older adult-related programming, provide opportunities for interactions among participants in the programs, provide information and communications technology (ICT) training, and introduce the older adults to board games that are easy to understand and well printed with large fonts and distinct colors. Second, public libraries should collaborate with volunteer recruitment and referral agencies to position themselves as hubs for social engagement. Third, libraries should offer brightly illuminated spaces for free discussion with age-friendly furniture and permissive regulations. Finally, based on the limitations of this study, suggestions on future related research topics and methods of data collection are provided.


王中天(2003)。社會資本(Social Capital):概念、源起、及現況。問題與研究,42(5),139-163。
