  • 學位論文


A Study of Analysis and Measures for Extension Dispute in Public Construction

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


公共工程具有公益性濃、社會性、契約履行期長、工程造價高、專業性高、風險高、複雜性高及難度高之特性,且因參與者眾多,除行政機關與廠商、下包商以外,尚有路權、交維、消防、都審、環評…等主管機關,另有水電、電信、瓦斯、自來水、污水下水道…等管線單位,由於各方對於公共工程契約條款之認知、解釋及適用均有不同,整合不易,實際執行時容易造成界面衝突,導致發生履約相關爭議,其中又以工期展延相關爭議最為常見。 本研究首先概述公共工程及公共工程契約之定義及範圍,英美法及我國法上對於工期遲延之分類,工期展延及衍生必要費用之請求權基礎,並節錄實務上常見公共工程契約範本工期展延相關條款供參,作為後續案例分析之基礎。 再者,本研究蒐集最高法院100年1月1日至105年5月31日間涉及公共工程工期展延爭議之判決223件,篩選出98個實際案例進行分析,歸納出工期展延常見之前五大原因依序為:變更設計、自然災害、增加工作、用地交付及關聯廠商,其中除自然災害為人力所不能抗拒,屬非可歸責於雙方之事由外,其餘多屬機關之協力義務或可歸責於機關之事由。 最末,本研究透過彙整最高法院對於工期展延爭議所採之見解,就工期展延常見之原因及爭議類型,分別自機關與廠商之角度,區分招標/投標階段、履約階段、求償階段,據以提出事前預防措施及事後因應對策之建議,期能減少工期展延相關爭議之發生,以及於相關爭議發生後以更迅速、經濟之方式解決爭議,以利工程契約之繼續履行。


Due to the nature of public constructions is complex, high-priced, highly professional, high risk, long-termed, and large-scaled, every participant of the public construction has his own explanation of the contract, which leads to many disputes. Among these disputes, disputes on Extension of Time are the most common. This Study discusses the definition and scope of public constructions and relevant contracts, the classification of delay in Taiwan and foreign laws and claims for Time Related Costs as well as collects common contrac clauses related to Extension of Time. Further, this Study collects 223 judgments of the Supreme Court regarding extension of public construction projects from January 1, 2011 to May 31, 2016 and selects 98 cases for analysis. The top five reasons for extension are: change orders, natural disasters, extra works, delivery of land and affiliated companies. Except for natural disasters which are not attributable to both parties, the others are all attributable to the Owner or require the assistance of the Owner. This Study also analyzes and presents the opinions of Supreme Court and the strategies for disputes on Extension of Time, in the hope that such disputes may be prevented and reduced in the future.


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