  • 學位論文


The study of dispute about duration of structure built by goverment

指導教授 : 曾惠斌博士


營建署所辦理之工程主要有道路、下水道、建築工程,早期主要負責之工作為工程之監造及契約管理,目前已轉變為代辦機關建築工程之單位,其職務之性質兼具專案管理、契約業主之角色。適逢現代營造廠自我權益意識抬頭之情形下,機關已不能再秉持以往監造及業主之角色辦理工程,應該有更進步及符合時代潮流之思維,以因應新型態之工作。為避免因工期爭議之發生,造成機關與承包商之爭執,影響機關與承包商之權益外,甚而影響公眾使用之利益。 本研究希望能透過營建署曾經發生之建築工程工期爭議案例,探究發生工期爭議之原因,並參考目前文獻及研究之報告資料中工期爭議之事由,及實務上曾經遭遇之爭議項目,歸納出機關辦理建築工程時,一般較容易發生的工期爭議的30個項目。以問卷調查的方法,針對爭議項目影響工期合理性之程度,計分為(極合理~極不合理)等5個等級,調查受訪者認為各項目影響工期之合理程度,將調查的樣本資料以統計方法,計算其基本的統計結果,並以假設檢定的程序,檢定其結果,以分析各爭議項目之工期延長之合理性分析。針對樣本合理程度較低或認知差異大的項目,進ㄧ步分析各項目機關與營造廠的統計資料差異性,希望能檢討其原因,縮小工程司間認知差異程度,降低爭議。 針對這些機關建築工程常發生之工期爭議項目,希望研究之成果可以提供機關執行契約或修訂契約時之參考,如果機關能夠在規劃設計階段,及契約執行中加以防範及預防,以避免機關與承包商間耗時、耗力之爭執,希望機關能在合法、合理、合情之情形下,解決工期爭議之紛爭。


The Bureau of Construction and Planning has constructed many government constructions. Its chief construction projects are road, sewerages and buildings construction. It was responsible for construction supervising and contract management in the earlier stage. Its jobs have changed a lot recently. In the present, it has to replace the owner to take owner’s job in the project. It plays the role in both project manager and owner. The contractors are better and better at asking for their benefits, so our bureau should make more progress in construction affairs so as to avoid arguing with contractors about project duration or other affairs, instead of still playing the role in supervisor or owner. Arguing between the bureau and the contractor often causes the project delay. It not only influences the benefits of the government and the contractors, but also influences the public welfare. This thesis is focused on the case of disputing about project duration that has ever happened in the project of our bureau. After exploring the reason for disputing about project duration, reviewing some literature and researching many reports, and from some dispute cases I have ever met, I have drawn the conclusion of thirty causes that easy to dispute between the bureau and the contractors. These causes are acquired by sending out questionnaires and analyzing. In questionnaire, I divided influence condition into five levels, such as very reasonable, very unreasonable, and so on. I investigated influence condition to the project duration for every cause in questionnaire filled by the interviewee. Then, I did the some basic statistic calculation for the samples to make reasonable analysis for every disputing cause. After that, for the clauses that the reasonable level is lower or result has large different, I analyzed the data variance between the owner and the contractors so as to know the reasons and reduce the difference and dispute. For the clauses easy to dispute for project duration in our bureau, I hope my study is able to give some advice to the government, when carrying out the contract or revising the contract. The government should take good care of these clauses in preliminary or detail design stage, or construction stage so as to avoid wasting time and energy to dispute with contractors. I also hope the government can settle these dispute reasonably and legally.


【3】FIDIC, Federation Internation Des Ingenieurs –Conseils (1999) Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction,
【4 】Chan, D.W.M. and M.M. Kumaraswamy, Compressing construction durations :lessons learned from Hong Kong building Projects ,Project Management,Vol.20.pp23~35,2002
【5 】Bordoli, D.W. and A.N.Baldwin, A methodology for assessing construction project delays, Construction Management and Economics, Vol.16,p.327~337. 1998


曾淑菁(2016)。公共工程專案管理履約爭議分析及對策之研究─ 以代辦機關執行專案管理工程為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201601329
