  • 學位論文


Study on the Causes and Resolutions for Delay Dispute in Infrastructure Projects

指導教授 : 荷世平 曾惠斌


公共工程規模龐大、施工期間長、內容複雜,牽涉層面廣大,因各種事由及不確定因素而造成工期進度遲延在所難免,但因為契約規定未詳盡及雙方權利義務規定不清,造成工期遲延爭議事件層出不窮,而在爭議處理的過程中,契約雙方皆是耗費大量的人力跟時間成本。契約雙方於爭議處理之過程中,因契約雙方對契約規定未盡了解,或是因遲延責任歸屬不清,常有雙方各執一詞之情形,導致爭議處理時程曠日費時,因此如何辨識遲延責任歸屬成為一重要工作。 為了解常見造成工期遲延之原因,本研究蒐集行政院公共工程委員會申訴審議委員會民國99年7月至民國101年12月期間申訴或調解成立之工程採購契約案件,並從其中挑選出與工期爭議相關之工程採購契約共34件進行案例分析,統計爭議發生原因及其發生次數,從統計結果發現工期爭議相關案件中,以(1)因業主造成之設計變更、(2)業主未善盡協助義務(行政作業程序遲延,如建照取得、檢驗、文件審查、驗收)、(3)不可歸責雙方之自然災害、(4)因其他單位影響或其他不可抗力事件之因素發生最為頻繁。並從案例爭議處,理建議結論歸納出爭議處理過程中判定申訴無理由或是調解不成立之常見問題,再就案例中常見爭議項目規定是否合理,對各單位之工程人員進行問卷訪談調查,最後針對(1)因業主造成之設計變更、(2)不可歸責雙方之自然災害、(3)遭遇暫停施工,三個常見遲延爭議原因,利用行政院公共工程委員會頒布之工程採購契約範本及施工綱要規範00700一般條款,結合問卷訪談結果,擬定造成之工期爭議處理對策流程及預防措施,使未來參與公共工程之工程人員可以依據本研究結果了解於契約執行中應採取之作為及遭遇爭議時應有之處理流程,以期達到減少工程時程爭議之發生及縮短爭議處理的時間。


Public construction projects are mostly large-scaled, complicated, and with long duration. Also they are usually involved with many different interfaces. Thus, it is common that delays happen during executing a project. However, because of indefinite contracts and unclear delay responsibilities, it is not easy for owners and contractors to achieve consensus. It takes a lot of time and numerous costs to solve the disputes. Therefore, it is important to identify the responsibilities of construction delay. In order to categorize the cause of the construction delay, this study collected 34 mediate cases and procurement complaint cases which are related to duration delay dispute. By analyzing and calculating the causes of the delay from the cases, this study finds out four most happened reasons for the duration delay: (1)Changing order by owners, (2)The delay of owner’s obligations (e.g. spending too much time on paper works, not getting the building permit in time, and acceptance delay), (3)Force majeure causes (natural disasters or severe weather), (4)Force majeure causes (caused by the third party or unavoidable accidents) To establish resolutions of delay disputes, this study analyzes the recommended results of the cases and refers to the standard contact made by the Public Construction Commission Executive Yuan. In addition, to figure out whether the contract or the strategies are reasonable, a questionnaire is made. And the interviewees are from government agencies, consultant companies or construction companies. As a result, the standard procedures and preventions of (1)changing orders, (2)force majeure causes (natural disasters or severe weather), and (3)project pausing or suspending are made to prevent dispute happening and reduce the time of dispute resolutions.


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曾淑菁(2016)。公共工程專案管理履約爭議分析及對策之研究─ 以代辦機關執行專案管理工程為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201601329
