  • 學位論文


The Great Mint: A Web3 Crowdfunding Platform Business plan

指導教授 : 陳炳宇


民眾透過群眾募資平台支持理念相同的創新服務或商品,是自二十一世紀以來廣為流行的另類集資方式,現今營運中群募平台數量眾多,每年集資項目數量不斷成長,主題多元,有許多成功項目表現亮眼,但募資專案的糾紛卻也時有所聞,讓消費者對在群募平台上架的專案信賴感降低。 區塊鏈技術近年來應用漸趨成熟且廣泛,若以「DAO分散式治理」為核心經營,將區塊鏈「所有資料公開透明」、「記錄不可竄改」等特性,加上web3社群「AMA」、「OG獎勵」、「共好」等文化,添加於群募平台的營運規則中,再加上平台治理幣發行等機制,提供民眾更多參與募資之誘因與實質參與回饋,加強消費者對專案與平台的信任感,進而提高募資成功的機率。 本計畫為建立一以區塊鏈技術為核心之群眾募資平台,透過新的機制設計,讓贊助者、提案方都有更多的參與行動,建立信任社群,讓群募專案更成功。


區塊鏈 群眾募資 Web3 DAO NFT


Crowdfunding has been an alternative fundraising method for creative ideas or new products since 2000. Recently, there are lots of platforms with growing numbers of projects in various fields. Those projects that successfully raised funds attracted a lot of attention. However, disputes regarding product quality, delivery time, etc. have also increased, and crowdfunding platforms are increasingly losing consumers’ trust and interest. Blockchain is a mature and widely applicable technology. All data and records on the blockchain are open to everyone and cannot be altered, deleted or destroyed. The community of Web3 has its own culture and rules, such as “rewards to OG (original generation),” “AMA (ask me anything) town meeting,” and "co-prosperity social group.” This business plan builds a crowdfunding platform based on transparency. Every project runs as a “decentralized autonomous organization (DAO)” that combines blockchain features and Web3 culture into its operation plan. Doing so increases motivation and direct communication and feedback and prevents most problems between backers and creators. Building trust and confidence among participants in crowdfunding projects would lead to better and more successful results.


crowdfunding blockchain Web3 DAO NFT


1. 【2021年報】嘖嘖、flyingV、挖貝,臺灣群眾集資產業迎向三強鼎立時代 (2022/03/02)。群眾觀點Crowd Watch。取自:https://crowdwatch.tw/post/34568/
2. 5個月內長成獨角獸,卻又碰上幣值暴跌風波!STEPN會變成另一場騙局嗎?(2022/06/24)。數位時代。取自:https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/70158/stepn-x-to-earn
3. Kickstarter記者調查報導出爐:橫奪上億資金的Zano徒留一場空,我們還能相信群眾集資嗎?(2016/02/14)。群眾觀點。取自:http://crowdwatch.tw/post/1340/
4. Kickstarter兌現報告(2015)。Kickstarter官網。取自:https://www.kickstarter.com/fulfillment
