  • 學位論文


Marketing Proposal for Indie Band Guntzepaula from the Perspective and Analysis of the Open Music Business Model in Music Industry’s Post CD Era

指導教授 : 江炯聰


音樂產業目前正處於後唱片時代,隨著各種媒介與機器工具的多元與平易化,現在正是成為一個獨立樂團的大好時機。各種開放式的平台與工具讓樂團可跳脫傳統管道執行音樂創作、行銷、與作品發佈。根據「長尾理論」,音樂市場已經跳脫以往熱門主打歌的型態,透過網路平台,只要通路夠大,非主流的、需求量小的商品的「總銷量」也能夠和主流的、需求量大的商品銷量抗衡。此研究將提出行銷建議供台灣獨立樂團槍擊潑辣參考如何在沒有與主流唱片公司簽約之經營樂團與自我行銷。透過國際與本土樂團的案例研究分析開放式音樂商業模式與另類的創新行銷手法提出不同的跳過唱片公司操作手法的行銷案例。 本研究的核心為開放式音樂商業模式,並著重討論此商業模式所包含的兩大元素: 與觀眾連結(CwF) x 購買理由 (RtB) = 開放式音樂商業模式($$$$)


The music industry is currently in the Post-CD era, and there has never been a better time to be in an indie band. With the increase in possibilities with media and machine, it has made music much easier to make, promote and distribute outside traditional channels. As the music industry shifts from banking on mega hits, the Long Tail theory provides explanations to why bigger profits could be garnered from smaller sales. This paper intends to provide ways to utilize accessible media to help an independent band to cut out the conventional record company and accomplish its goals in music without being signed to a commercial label and the paper’s core objective is to find practical solutions for the Taiwanese indie band, Guntzepaula. Furthermore, case studies and examples of other bands are conducted to analyze how their innovative open music business model and alternative marketing approach have helped them navigate the music industry on their own. This proposal is based on the following open music business model, with its two key elements emphasized throughout this proposal: Connect With Fans (CwF) x Reason To Buy (RtB) = The Business Model ($$$$)


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