  • 學位論文


The Study of Electronic Resources Collection Development in National Central Library

指導教授 : 陳雪華


鑑於電子出版品急速成長,使用者對數位資源的倚重程度與日遽增。圖書館面對多元的資訊服務競爭環境,更需要凸顯自身館藏特色的建立,因而有計畫的建置電子資源館藏成為重要的議題。特別是國家圖書館基於輔導全國圖書館業務的立場,不只關注本身館藏電子資源發展的問題,更需要有前瞻性的整體規劃。本研究希望透過探討國外經驗及國內目前發展現況分析,提出我國國家圖書館建立電子資源館藏發展計畫的建議,作為未來我國國家圖書館業務發展規劃的參考。 根據文獻分析圖書館發展電子資源的三種管道,包括:引進市場產品、整理網路資源、實體館藏數位化等方式,整理國家圖書館建立電子資源館藏所推動的主要發展計畫與政策,歸納為「電子資源送存政策」、「電子資源徵集計畫」、「網站資源典藏政策」、「館藏數位化政策」以及「數位館藏保存政策」等五個面向。利用文獻分析瞭解其他國家圖書館這些政策的內涵與作業重點,經比較研究其他國家圖書館作法之後,以深度訪談取得國內數位出版業者以及兼具國家圖書館實務經驗學者專家之意見與建議,輔以焦點座談方式獲致不同背景者的共識與期許,最終綜合比較分析及訪談所得,根據研究目的擬具研究結果與建議。 綜合研究結果與分析,歸納建議:(一)國家圖書館需要修訂館藏發展政策,並釐清服務對象;(二)研訂明確之電子資源法定送存規範,加強宣導有載體電子資源送存的適法性與合理使用的觀念;(三)研究建立適用電子資源的國際標準書號制度,建立國內電子資源共享服務平台;(四)關注電子資源發展的議題,參與研訂電子資源相關標準並訂定電子資源館藏徵集政策;(五)發展網站資源典藏初期應以規劃制度為主,並建立有助於永續發展的合作基礎;(六)考慮擇定部分主題電子資源,結合送存電子格式規範推動實驗性的全文探勘計畫;(七)推動研訂電子資源資訊組織規範,並優先擇選重要電子資源納入館藏目錄;(八)因應電子資源館藏發展,圖書館需要統籌規劃的業務單位或是工作小組;(九)調查國內電子資源館藏發展現況,建立全國電子資源合作發展的基礎;(十)利用WEB2.0使用者參與觀念,建立電子資源上載及授權使用的資源共享平台。


Current users have been relying on digital resources dramatically with the ever increasing of electronic resources. As a result, it has become an important issue to establish the collection of electronic resources in libraries in order to thrive in the environment of information competition. In particular, the National Library has to take a lead to develop itself own collection of electronic resources, as well as has an advanced plan for enhancing library enterprise. This thesis aims to provide suitable guidelines for establishing the policies of electronic resources for the National Library. According to literature review, the most common methods for establishing electronic resources include acquiring market produces, organizing network resources, and digitalizing collections. For the National Library, the strategies for developing electronic collections can be summarized as the policies of legal deposit, acquisition plan, web archiving, collection digitalization and digital preservation. In order to achieve them, the thesis takes an extensive literature review for understanding the different collection policies of electronic resources among many national libraries. In addition, several in-depth interviews are pursued for realizing different opinions of scholars and experts and for understanding the difficulties facing by the present publishing companies. Through the extensive literature searching and in-depth interviews, this thesis is expected to provide impetus and paradigms for drawing electronic collection policies in Taiwan National Central Library. The proposed guidelines are summarized as follows. 1. The original collection policies have to be modified for satisfying the needs of current library users who focus only on electronic resources. 2. It is necessary to define the standard of legal deposit clearly. Further, physical carrier electronic resources have to be deposit and their reasonable usages have also needed to be explained in advanced. 3. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) system for electronic resources has to be established first, and a share platform for all electronic resources has also needed to be developed among libraries. 4. The role of National Library has to be intensified for participating all possible discussions of standards of electronic resources. Besides, the acquisition policy of electronic resources has to be addressed. 5. It is important to map out the future of web archiving at an early stage in order for long-term cooperation development. 6. Some topics of electronic resources from legal deposit are chosen so as to drive experimentally full-text mining projects. 7. The information organization standard of electronic resources has to be developed, and some representative electronic resources into library catalog are granted to be chosen. 8. A conscientious unit or work team in the National Library has to be established independently to deal with all problems of electronic resources. 9. It is necessary to investigate the current electronic resources collected in all local libraries so as to build up the foundation for future cooperation. 10. It is important to build up an uploading and authorizing platform for sharing electronic resources through the idea of WEB 2.0.


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陳雪華。「網路資源選擇與資訊評鑑」。圖書館學刊(臺大) 10期(民84年12月 ),頁41-49。


