  • 學位論文


Analytic Usability Evaluation of Digital Library for the Visually Impaired:A Case Study of Taipei Public Library

指導教授 : 林維真


本研究以實務導向,以使用者角度了解視障使用者對視障電子圖書館的功能偏好及好用性問題,有助於對未來建立更完善的網路閱讀環境。基此,本研究採用好用性評估方法,以問卷為蒐集資料工具。研究對象為北市圖之視障電子圖書館使用群,共計69位受試者(弱視30人;全盲39人),考量視障者回答問卷之特殊需求,採混合式(面對面、電話及電子郵件等)搜集資料。茲將研究結果歸納如次: 一、不同視力狀況視障者對視障電子圖書館介面與功能偏好 弱視與全盲者在介面偏好上有顯著差異。弱視者對「文字大小」、「顏色對比」、「網站地圖」偏好較高,顯示弱視者利用視障電子圖書館時,可隨自身視力條件隨時調整最適合的大小及顏色對比;而全盲者在「網站分類」偏好高於弱視者,顯示將眾多的網站先進行有效分類較受全盲者歡迎,若能增加網站內容描述,亦較受喜愛。在「網站地圖」及「網站分類」特性上,視障者瀏覽視障電子圖書館時,依賴整體網站架構的導覽機制,先了解全貌再開始瀏覽。 二、視障者對視障電子圖書館資訊資源偏好 視障電子圖書館之資訊資源主要集中在8類語言文學,利用率亦最高,而6、7類等主題資源亦是視障者受歡迎的主題,但在館藏蒐集上卻容易被忽略。另方面,視障者認為視障電子圖書館的資訊資源能滿足其休閒目的(平均數=3.70),依次為能滿足教育學業需求(平均數=3.00)、工作職業需求(平均數=2.62)、公共議題需求(平均數=2.55)。進一步看視障者使用視障電子圖書館之目地,近八成讀者以休閒目的為主(85.5%),其他之使用目的不及休閒目的之一半(14.4%),顯示視障電子圖書館以滿足視障者個人興趣等休閒目的為主。 三、視障者對視障電子圖書館服務項目偏好 分析視障電子圖書館之服務項目,調查視障者最常使用的服務項目中,以「線上點字書」及「線上有聲書」最受歡迎。在希望增加的服務項目中,以「線上講座」(75.8%)及「新書通報」(75.8%)最受歡迎。另方面,視障者亦希望能增加圖書推薦服務,由視障者直接在網站上主動推薦圖書;新書資訊,提供新出版圖書的介紹;雜誌內文,提供多元雜誌的閱讀內容;時事資訊,如新聞、新興議題資訊等。 四、不同視力狀況對視障電子圖書館好用性評估結果 先後天視障者對易學性的「易於學習與使用」具有顯著差異。推估後天失明者必須重新適應學習環境,面對之閱讀環境迥然於先前的學習經驗,導致後天失明者評估視障電子圖書館易於學習與使用低於先天失明者。另方面,弱視及全盲者對易學性的「能快速修正錯誤」具有顯著差異。全盲者對快速修正錯誤之評估高於弱視者,弱視者擁有殘餘視力,能利用視力輔助利用電子圖書館,但因視力之受限性,可能會受其他因素之干擾,如介面設計不當、導引不佳等,反易提高使用視障電子圖書館的挫敗性。 五、不同學習經驗對視障電子圖書館功能及好用性偏好 將每日上網時數區分為三組(低:3小時以下;中:4~7小時;高:8小時以上),與好用性效能、效率、易學性及滿意度進行單因子變異數分析,結果指出每日上網時數越多者對於「提供主題資源足夠」評估越低,推測上網時數低者對於資訊需求量較低,因此較易被滿足。在「檢索結果展現」功能方面,每日上網8小時以上者對於視障電子圖書館的檢索結果呈現較為滿意。由電腦操作經驗來看,不管是電腦的高使用者或低使用者,對於視障電子圖書館功能偏好及好用性評估皆無顯著差異。 六、視障電子圖書館網站與好用性之關係 研究結果指出,介面與滿意度成正相關,當介面偏好越高,對於視障電子圖書館滿意度亦越高;而資訊與效能成正相關,當資訊偏好越高,對視障電子圖書館之效能評估越高。進一步看「再度使用意願」與「好用性」及「網站功能」之關係,再度使用意願與滿意度及資訊成正相關。綜整結果,視障電子圖書館的介面及資訊面向攸關視障者是否願意再度使用的關鍵之一。 依據研究結果提出研究建議: 一、實務建議 綜整視障者希望視障電子圖書館增加的功能中,包含「線上圖書推薦」、「新書通報服務」、「線上諮詢服務」、「線上學習課程」、「增加文本型式的閱讀資源」。另外,研究者提出個人建議,定期辦理「視障電子圖書館利用教育」及「進行視障者資訊與閱讀需求研究」。 二、提高好用性評估建議 研究指出,欲提升網站的滿意度,須提高對網站介面的偏好程度;欲提高好用性的效能,則須滿足視障者對資源的偏好。因此,欲提升視障電子圖書館之好用性,資訊及介面設計成為重要元素之一。 三、未來研究建議 未來建議增加使用者任務的操作與觀察,準確記錄使用者的效率表現;研究對象上,未來研究可擴大為潛在使用者,選取具備電腦及上網能力的視障者,以瞭解視障者對圖書館與一般網路資源之不同看法與使用行為;在研究主題範疇上,建議未來可擴大為提供相關服務的圖書館管理人員或出版界範疇,探討領域能更廣泛,對於視障者利用電子圖書館進行數位閱讀能有多元化的討論。


This is a problem-solving-oriented study. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the usability of digital library for the visually impaired and seek to discover what functions visually impaired users prefer. The results will benefit for establishing a better digital reading environment for the future. This study used the usability evaluation. In this study, the questionnaires toward the blind to collect data through mixed methods such as face to face, telephone and e-mail to meet the visually impaired users’ special needs. Subjects for this research were chosen from the Digital Library for the Visually Impaired of Taipei Public Library, involving 30 users were partially sighted ans 39 were blind. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: 1. Different visual users prefer interface and functions of the digital library for the visually impaired For the interface, there are significant differences between partially sighted and blind. The partially sighted users preferred “text size”, “color contrast” and” website map” than blind users. The results pointed out that the partially sighted users can use the functions depending on their different vision. The “website categorize” were preferred by the blind users. In summaries above results, according to “website map” and “website categorize” features, visually impaired users depend on the guidance of whole website framework when they use the digital library. 2. The preferences of information resources of digital library for the visually impaired The information resources were mainly concentrated in language and literature, also the highest utilization. Some information resources were also popular such as 6 and 7 class categorize, but they were easily ignored when library collected information resources. On the other hand, the visual impaired users thought the information resources could meet the leisure purposes (mean=3.70), order to meet the education purposes (mean=3.00), employment purposes (mean=2.62), and public purposes (mean=2.55). Looking further purposes of using the digital library, nearly 8 percent users were to met their leisure purposes (85.5%), but others were less than half of leisure purposes (14.4%). The results show that the information resources of the digital library for the visually impaired were mainly to met the leisure purposes such as personal interests. 3. The preferences of digital library services for the visually impaired Analyzing the digital library services for the visually impaired, in the answers of what services were used most frequently, the “Online Braille Book” and “Online Audio Book” were preferred. In the survey of what services were most-wanted, “Online Lectures” (75.8%) and “New Arrival” (75.8%) were preferred. On the other hand, users hoped to increase the services of book recommendation (users could directly recommend books on the website), New Books ( providing the new books information), Magazine texts (providing variety texts) and Current Affairs(such as news and emerging issues). 4. The analysis on usability evaluation of digital library for the visually impaired show significant differences There are significant differences from congenital and acquired visually impaired on “ easy to learn and use”. Estimating the results, acquired users must re-adapt to learning environment that were different from previous experiences. Thus, in the survey of “easy to learn and use”, the assessment of acquired users were lower than congenital users. On the other hand, there are significant differences from partially sighted and blind on “quickly correct errors”. The assessment of blind were higher than partially sighted. The partially sighted could use the digital library with residual vision which is limited. When the partially sighted used the digital library, they could be affected by other factors such as interface design and poor guide that could increase frustrations of using digital library for the visually impaired. 5. The results of analytic usability evaluation of digital library for the visually impaired users with different learning experiences. According to the results of one-way ANOVA analysis of the daily internet hours divided into three groups(low: less than 3 hours, middle: 4-7 hours, high: more than 8 hours) and usability included effectiveness, efficiency, learnability and satisfaction, users used internet more and they would estimate the “adequate theme resources” lower. The result of analysis of “search result display”, users used more than 8 hours daily were satisfied with the search result display of digital library for the visually impaired. Through the experiences of using computers, there were no significant differences from high or low experiences users. 6. The relationship of the functions and usability of the digital library for the visually impaired The results pointed out that there were positive correlation between interface and satisfaction. When the interface was preferred more highly, the satisfaction would also more highly. The information and effectiveness were positive correlation, the information was preferred more highly, the effectiveness was also more highly. Further look at the correlation of “renewed willing to use”, “usability” and “website functions”, there were positive correlation. In summaries, the interface and information of the digital library were the keys relevant to renewed willing to use the digital library. Based on the results, the author of this thesis has offered some suggestions: 1. The practical suggestions Suggest for increasing some services such as “online book recommendation”, “new book information service”, “online reference service”, “online lecture”, “increasing texts”, “user education” and “research on the information and reading needs for the visually impaired regularly”. 2. The suggestions for promoting evaluation of usability The results pointed out that willing to promote the website satisfaction, we also have to promote the preference of website interface; willing to promote the effectiveness of usability, the visually impaired have to be satisfied with information needs. Thus, if we want to promote the usability of digital library for the visually impaired, information and interface design will be the most important factors. 3. The suggestions for the future research Suggest for increasing user task and observation that can accurately record users’ performances. For the subject, the future study can be expanded to potential visually impaired users who have the capabilities to use computers and internet. Standing on the visually impaired users’ opinions, we can understand what do the differences between the library information resources and general internet resources. For the study issues, suggest for expanding to relevant library managers or publishers, the issues can be discussed extensively about digital reading for the visually impaired.


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