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Assessment of the Accessibility of the Integrated Information System for People with Disabilities




This study conducted task-based usability testing to evaluate "the Integrated Information System for People with Disabilities of National Taiwan Library." Adopted observation analysis to record the user's retrieval process and problems, supplemented by in-depth interviews, to explore the user's opinions after testing. Questionnaires also were taken to measure the awareness for the learnability, memorability, error frequency and severity, efficiency and satisfaction of the system. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Personalized service functions generate the most operating errors and take the most time. (2) Visually-impaired persons have a high frequency of "operation hesitation" and "questioning," and the time to complete tasks is higher than other types of impaired persons. (3) Most of the reasons for the error are improper design of the function key position. (4) The sorting of search results and the operation process of search have high lostness in web pages. (5) The position of the system operation instructions is not obvious and the textual description is lengthy. According to the result, the suggestions of usability design have been proposed for improving the system interface.


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