  • 學位論文


An investigation of the motivations for computer usage and needs for digital services of visually impaired older adults

指導教授 : 林珊如


隨著高齡化社會的來臨,視覺障礙者的人數越來越多,每個人及身邊的親朋好友都有機會面臨視覺障礙所引發的問題,因此與此相關的議題也日漸重要。本研究的目的在於了解中高齡視障者的電腦使用動機,以及了解中高齡視障者對圖書館電子化資源服務(圖書館電腦設備、電腦課程的需求、圖書館電子化資源)的需求。 本研究採用半結構式訪談法,並搭配輔助問卷蒐集受訪者資料。研究對象的選擇採立意抽樣法,研究者透過視障圖書館與視障機構介紹,以及人際關係滾雪球法找尋受訪者。受訪者分成兩個群組,第一群為目前未使用電腦的中高齡視障者,共訪談5人;第二群為持續使用電腦的中高齡視障者,共訪談16人,總計21人。 研究結果分述如下: 一、 中高齡視障者的電腦使用動機:本研究將使用動機分為內在因素與外在因素探討。內在因素包括自我評價、對新科技的畏懼心理,以及對電腦的價值認定,其中,對電腦的價值認定是所有內在因素中最重要的一項。外在因素方面,擁有電腦設備、參與電腦課程,以及接受他人支援都會影響受訪者使用電腦的意願。此外,本研究亦探討持續使用電腦的受訪者遇到的困難及其解決方式。 二、 中高齡視障者對圖書館電腦設備的需求:前往圖書館使用設備對中高齡視障者而言是一種「特地」去做的行為。由於生理上的不便,以及交通時間長,大多數的受訪者並不會為了借書或使用電腦而前往圖書館,中高齡視障者偏好在家中透過遠端服務獲取圖書館的資源,原因在於受訪者已經習慣自己電腦原本的設定,而且也不喜歡在公共環境下使用電腦,此外,受訪者認為透過電話借書及網站下載,就足以得到想要的資料,不需前往圖書館。 三、 中高齡視障者對於電腦課程的需求:本研究發現,目前未使用電腦的視障者,對於學習電腦的需求可分為兩種,一為純粹學會使用電腦的需求,二為建立在實質生活上的學習需求,目前未使用電腦的視障者,不代表未來並不會使用,可能需要等到適當的時機,才會去學習電腦。另一方面,在目前持續使用電腦的視障者中,則有未持續學習與持續學習之分,其中持續學習者有即時性學習需求與非即時性學習需求之分,前者的學習需求是建立於實質生活對於電腦的需求上,後者學習的目的則是為了興趣或未來的使用。 四、 中高齡視障者對圖書館電子化資源網站的需求:網路彙集各種資訊管道的特色,且不受距離和時間的限制,然而受訪者對於網路是否能取代其他資訊管道,則是看法不一。受訪者使用圖書館電子化資源網站的行為,包含檢索、下載、閱讀、瀏覽網站資訊、參與網站活動等,大部分的受訪者表示,連上圖書館網站的目的只是要下載或收聽有聲書,並不會特別留意網站上的其他資訊。受訪者對於網站的需求可分為館藏服務需求與讀者服務需求,館藏服務需求包括即時更新館藏、擴充館藏、提升館藏品質,以及資源整合;而讀者服務需求則包括精簡帳號申請程序、改善網站介面、改善網站效用,以及加強推廣。 最後,針對中高齡視障者對於圖書館電子化資源服務的需求,本研究分別從動機、設備、課程、資源四方面提出建議,提供給視障圖書館與視障機構作參考。動機方面,需了解中高齡視障者的動機及背景,以評估他們是否需要學習電腦,並視其需求,引導他們接觸電腦;設備方面,需評估圖書館內的設備對視障者的必要性,提供符合其需求的服務;課程方面,需追蹤視障者的使用狀況,並了解他們繼續學習電腦課程的必要性。資源方面,需改善使用者介面,以簡單易懂為設計標準,為使介面更貼近視障者的需求,可聘請視障程式人員設計網站,此外政府與相關單位的資源整合,以及正名觀念的導入,亦是未來需努力的方向。


With the population aging, visually impaired people are growing year by year, people around us may have to face the problems caused by visual impairment, so the related issue has become more and more important. The purpose of this study is to understand the visually impaired older adults’ motivation of computer use, as well as to understand their needs for digital services, which include set computers in library, offer computer course, and build the website for visual impaired people. Semi-structured interview is used in this study, with additional questionnaires to collect interviewees’ information. Interviewees were selected by purposive sampling method, and found by snowball sampling through libraries and institutions. Interviewees were divided into two groups, do not use computer recently (five people interviewed), and keep using computer(16 people interviewed), the total number of interviewee in this study is 21. The results are as follows: One, visually impaired older adults’ motivation of computer use: The motivation can be divided into internal factors and external factors to discuss. Internal factors include self-evaluation, fears of new technologies, as well as computer’s value which is judged by interviewee, and the last one is the most important in internal factors. External factors include having personal computer or not, involving computer programs or not, and accepting other’s support or not. In addition, this study also discusses the interviewees’ difficulties and solutions in using computer. Second, visually impaired older adults’ needs of computer in library: For interviewees, using computer in library is a "specifically" behavior. Because of physical inconvenience and long-time transportation, most of the interviewees would not go to library for borrowing books or using computers, they prefer to use library’s remote service at home, because they are used to their own computer, and they don’t like use computer in public environment. In addition, interviewees have satisfied with phone and internet, it is no need to go to the library. Third, visually impaired older adults’ needs of computer courses: The study found that interviewees who don’t use computer recently can be divided into two types, one is simply learning how to use computer, the other is learning for their real needs. They may use computer in the future. On the other hand, interviewees who keep using computer also can be divided into two types, keep learning or not, the different between them is learning for real need currently, or for the future. Fourth, visually impaired older adults’ needs of digital service: Internet combines the characteristics of a variety of information channels, and had no restriction of distance and time. However, interviewees have different views about the replaceable of internet. In library’s website, interviewees’ behaviors include search, download, read, broese the web information, and participate in the activities, most of the interviewees just download or listen the audio book in the website, and they pay a little attention to additional information there. Interviewees’ needs of the digital collections in library website include update collections, buy more collections, promote the quality of collections, and integrate all the resources of visual impairment in Taiwan; while the needs of digital reader services in library website include simplify the process of application , improve website interface, improve effectiveness, and strengthen the promotion of library’s service. Finally, this study put forward four aspect of suggestions for blind library and institute: motivation, equipment, curriculum, resources. In the aspect of motivation, libraries and institutes need to understand readers’ motivation of computer usage and their background, in order to evaluate their adaptability and guide them regard their needs. In the aspect of equipment, libraries and institutes need to evaluate the necessity of computer in library, and provide services which meet readers’ needs. In the aspect of curriculum, libraries and institutes need to track the visually impaired learner, and evaluate the necessity of advanced course. In the aspect of resources, libraries and institutes need to improve the website interface, and make the website easy to understand, to make the interface more acceptable, visually impaired person can be employed as a website designer. In addition, resource integration, and concept correction are also required to work.




