  • 期刊


A Study of Health Information Behavior of Visually Impaired People




The channel and device for visually impaired people to seek health information have been improved due to the development of technology and the Internet. But, most information is presented in the formats which are not always easily accessible to them. Health information is frequently needed in people's daily lives. Therefore, to explore the health information behavior of visually impaired people is an important research topic. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in this study, with 15 participants recruited via personal communication network. This study found that visually impaired people have a considerable degree of demand for health information. It can be summarized into five types of health information needs: medical information, dietary information, general daily health information, drug information, and sports information. Informatin sources are also quite extensive, including the Internet, social media, radio, books, magazines, doctors, and friends and relatives. Participants reported that they mostly seek information by themselves, with assistances from other people sometimes. They faced obstacles in the process of information seeking, such as language barriers, input errors, and inadequate interfaces. They suggested that the interfaces should be simple and friendly for the visually impaired people. Moreover, they recommended mobile apps would be convenient for them to access health information related radio programs via cell phones.


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