  • 學位論文


From the police ban sex workers to comment the specification for sex transaction system

指導教授 : 陳顯武


我國有關性交易的管制措施,依現行社會秩序維護法第80條之規定,是採取原則禁止,專區許可的管制政策。然而性交易所涉及的憲法基本權利不僅工作權而已,其他尚包含性自主權及隱私權。本文將從體系正義的角度出發,以各號有關於工作權、性自主權、隱私權等大法官解釋,套用於社會秩序維護法對於性交易全面限制,檢視有無符合以往之審查標準。 在論文章節安排部份,第參章將以釋字第666號解釋為軸,分別歸納解釋文主要的審查標準及各學者的評論,再以其他大法官協同意見,對於解釋文尚有不足之處做說明;第肆章部份則以工作權的三階段審查標準,釋字第603號、第631號、第689號對於隱私權的憲法保障,釋字第554號、第617號解釋對於性自主性言論的自由,分別檢視社會秩序維護法第80條對於性交易限制的是否符合體系正義;第伍章部份則以釋憲及修法前後,警察機關、法院簡易庭對於性交易案件之取締方式、裁定標準做比較。另以親自訪談方式,針對性工作者及基層實務警察人員,對於目前限制性交易之意見。最後再參考各外國立法政策,分析評估是否有效維護善良風俗。第陸章結論部份,則是提出本次研究之發現,並提出對於性交易管制之意見。 基層弱勢婦女既已無力謀生,是否仍須雪上加霜予以處罰。國家政策對於性工作者是應該以法律取締,還是應由社會扶助機構代替警察,提供適當工作機會,或是予以輔導管制。無論如何,縱認有管制必要,仍須提出強而有力的立法目的,而非僅以落伍過時的公序良俗作為處罰人民的唯一依據。


According to the Article 80 of The Law for Social Order Maintenance in Taiwan, the sex transaction should be taken place at the license area. However, sex transaction involved not only the right of work, but also the right of sex freedom and the right of privacy. The purpose of this article is analyzed the appropriateness of Law for Social Order Maintenance base on the point of view of the system of justice, and the J.Y. Interpretation about the right of work, the right of privacy and the right of sex freedom In chapter three, summarized and reviewed the main comment of scholars and concurring opinions of the other judges on No.666 constitutional interpretation. In chapter four, from the right to work, the constitutional guarantees of privacy and sex freedom examine the restrictions on the sex transaction on Article 80 of The Law for Social Order Maintenance restrictions compliance with the system of justice. Chapter Five, compared the difference in police agencies on the banned for sex transaction and standard of judged sex transaction in courts before and after the constitutional interpretation and amending the law. Interview the sex workers and the police for their opinions about restrictive sex transaction. Finally, reference foreign legislative policy, and analyzed the effectiveness on maintenance of good morals. In the Chapter Six, concluded the findings of this study, put forward for the opinion of the controls on sex transaction. For the grassroots level and underprivileged women, sex transaction maybe the way of make a living, punished may worse their situation. Sex workers should be banned by law, or help by the social assistance institutions to provide appropriate jobs, the government should be carefully considered while formulation and implementation of relate policies. Even the sex workers should be banned by law, it still need a strong legislative purpose, rather than punish people basis to the anachronistic public order and morals




