  • 學位論文


The Third Way Between Culture and Economics: Early Stage Research on Taiwan Cultural Creative Industries.

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


本研究旨在台灣文化創意產業政策源起、推動、執行成效與批判,藉由其與文化政策、產業政策理論的互通性,重新詮釋文化創意產業的文化理想與經濟弁遄A論述產業政策推動上「文化」與「經濟」並重,「左右並舉」的重要性與關連性。依此檢視文化創意產業做為台灣社會文化與經濟轉型的重要政策,並提出產業政策理念與社會目標,成為超越文化與經濟二元思考的第三條,並提出當前政治亂象,可能使第三條路充滿荊棘且走向滅亡的悲觀立場,最後則強調產業理想回歸日常生活中文化與創意的實踐。 文化創意產業推動初期,由於產業的「知識資本」與政策網絡間「社會資本」的不足,導致文建會在推動初期的政策粗糙與混亂,又強勢主導與逾越本份,造成藝文獎助與社區營造等文化政策的危機,反觀經濟部則是修正產業政策,認可文化與創意在產業升級與轉型的重要性,調整過於製造業導向的政策工具,行政文化化的理想政策漸成型。 論述文化創意產業政策做為文化政策的重要性,其「文化民主化」、提高「文化接近性」、文化政策去中心化與呼應行政文化化的政策理念,與台灣文化政策的理想及「社區營造」政策理念相呼應外,更把關照的層次擴大到日常生活的美學與文化議題。在產業政策的關連性方面,論述文化創意產業做為經濟政策與產業策略的特性。其認可了普遍「文化」與「創意」在產業的應用,並成為「新經濟」、「知識經濟」與「知識經濟服務業」的一環,有助於重新認識文化創意產業在經濟層面的特性與政策定位。 運用「鑽石體系」初步分析國家政策與產業競爭優勢的關連性,論述整體「文化經濟」背後,「經濟文化」與「廣義的文化政策」概念的重要性,投資「文化」(廣義的文化政策),即投資「經濟」(文化創意產業),並可形塑獨特的「經濟文化」,來支持「文化經濟」(文化創意產業),歸納出產業政策中「左(文化)」「右(經濟)」的關聯性,及整體政策「左右並舉」的重要性。並藉此批判台灣長期重硬體輕軟體的政策邏輯與文化創意產業政策的矛盾性,依此重新定位文化創意產業與台灣社會文化與經濟發展的重要性,在經濟面推動產業升級、文化創意的應用生成與附加價值提升,在文化面連結社區運動與日常生活的文化藝術關照,全面鼓勵文化與創意價值。同時,文化經濟的發展是經濟與文化因素相互正面影響,強調日常生活中文化與創意實踐的重要性,來做為台灣社會轉型的力量。 最後肯定文化創意產業所啟示的新價值,「文化民主化」、「文化接近性」、「文化資本」、「文化資本永續性」 與「公民社會」的理念,讓文化創意產業超越「文化」與「經濟」的二元論,成為浮現中的第三條路。不過仍是要悲觀地提出警示,文化創意產業與台灣「文化」、「政治」與「認同」議題的複雜糾葛與操弄,有可能把台灣帶向災難的道路上,以警愓政客。理想的文化創意產業是台灣文化與經濟間浮現中的第三條路,但這是一條有待我們披荊斬棘前進的路,而在文化創意產業拗口與龐雜理論的背後,其實是簡單的生活哲學-文化與創意在日常生活的發祥、實踐或者是消費。


This research is focused on the beginning, promotion, effectiveness, and critiques on Taiwan culture creative industry's policies. By using its reciprocation between culture policies and industry policies theories to re-interpret the ideal culture and economic function of culture creative industries, and discuss the importance and correlation to give the same weight to ‘culture’ and ‘economic’ when act on the industry policy. Further on, reviewing the important policies of using culture creative industries to be the transformation for Taiwan economic and culture, and address the ideal policy for industry and goal for the society to emerge the third way top on culture and economic binary thoughts. However, the chaos in politics sets a pessimistic position which may give difficulties and even destroy the third way. The conclusion emphasizes on industry's ideals on applying culture and creativity into daily life, At the beginning of culture creative industries promotion period, lacking of industry ‘knowledge capital’ and missing policy network ‘society capital’ cause chaos and coarseness on policies that Council for Cultural Affairs practice. Further, Council for Cultural Affairs enforces its leading power and goes beyond propriety result crises for art subsidy, community development and varies culture policies. On the other side, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MEA) works on revising industry policies. MEA approves the importance of culture and creativity when comes to industry upgrade and transformation, and makes adjustments over industrialized lead policy implement. Therefore, an ideal policy for cultural administration has finally got into shape. Discussing the importance of culture creative industry to be the culture policy, ‘culture democratization’, ‘culture accessibility’, and culture policies apart from core value responds to the ideal policies of cultural administration. Moreover, it also coherence with the ideal Taiwan culture polices and the beliefs of ‘community development’ policies; and expands its effected level to daily life beauty and culture issues. In relation to industrial policies, the characteristic of using culture creative industry to be the economic policies and industry strategies will be discussed. Recognition the general application of ‘culture’ and ‘creativity’ in industry to become a part of ‘New Economy’, ‘Knowledge-based Economy’ and ‘Knowledge intensive Service, KIS’ will contribute to re-understand the characteristics and position for culture creative industry in economic level. By using ‘diamond system’ for a preliminary analysis on the correlation between nation's policies and industry competitive advantages; and discuss that behind the integral of ‘culture economic’, the importance of ‘economic culture’ and ‘widespread culture policies’ concepts. Investment on ‘culture’ (general culture policies) is investment on ‘economic’ (culture creative industry). An unique ‘economic culture’ can be build to support ‘culture economic’(culture creative industry) and conclude the correlation between ‘left (culture)’, ‘right(economic)’in industry policy and the importance of same weight of both left and right in the policy . Then comes to criticize the long term contradiction of both culture creative industry policy and policy logic of heavy focused on hardware, little on software in Taiwan; and learn to relocate the position and value of culture creative industry in Taiwan society culture and economic development. The transformation in Taiwan society has the following forces: promoting industry upgrade in economic aspect, applying culture creativity in production, and raising add-on value; connecting community activity with daily life culture and art in culture aspect, and encourage and approve the value of culture and creativity. In addition, culture economic development is a positive influence for both economic and culture; emphasis on daily life culture and application on creativity are also essential for Taiwan society to transform. Last, this research approves the new value inspire by culture creative industry. The ideals of ‘culture democratization’, ‘culture accessibility’, ‘culture capital’, ‘culture sustainability’, and ‘civil society’ allow culture creative industry succeeds ‘culture’ and ‘economic’ dualism and appear to the third way. However, there is still a pessimistic warning. Culture creative industry links to the complex entangling issues such as ‘local culture’, ‘politics’, and ‘identity’ in Taiwan. It might bring Taiwan to a crisis in order to warn the politicians. The ideal culture creative industry is the third way emerge from Taiwan culture and economic, but it a way that await us to adopt and work on hard. The whole idea behind all these complex and confusing culture creative industry theories is actually a simple living philosophy- culture and creativity occur, practice, and consume in daily life.


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