  • 學位論文


Study of Modern Urban-Space-Aesthetic Experiencing

指導教授 : 羅啟源


自古以來,現代都市的美觀問題一直是建築師、設計師們孜孜以求的目標之一。在都市現代化的過程中,市容美化和環境藝術問題也越來越受到人們的重視,人們對現代都市美的創造、對現代都市審美的認識,已經發展到更為自覺的階段。鑒於空間對於社會關係的建構來說是舉足輕重的,都市化更是人類不可避免的選擇。本研究旨趣在都市空間與都市環境如何藉由都市人的美學素養與美感經驗,以充分表現出現代都市的價值及都市未來的空間美感發展方向。 本研究之目的係透過文獻資料的探討與分析,藉由對現代都市發展現況進行體驗,並予以完成空間美學四大構面的學術思維如:1、從理論與概念出發,探討美感體驗的哲理;2、深化美的素養與情感體驗,連結出心靈和視覺的感受;3、探討美的時間與轉化,分析人文審美的記憶;4、解讀空間的實、虛關係,形塑美感空間及創見現代都市的魅力與風華。 本研究針對四大構面意涵體驗,獲致哲理與實境摘要如下四點: 1、美感有其精髓與特色,人們對都市的體驗從感覺開始。每一種感受都會產生一種氛圍,從而種種感受疊加,形成一種美的體驗。 2、都市美感是都市人生命追求在時間和空間中的精神實現。都市居民對都市美感有一種深厚的情緒體驗,這種情緒是在長期的生產和生活中形成的。 3、都市是有漫長的歷史的,都市當下的文化空間是都市人在歷史中創造的物質文化與精神文化在蛻變後所產生的時間記憶。 4、美的都市空間是以都市人的美感尺度去衡量定義出的空間,是由空間型態和活動組成。除了實質環境之外,事件、氛圍、狀態與歷史記憶都是包含在美的都市紋理與結構。 對於現代都市,我們應樹立一條堅定不移的信念:即現代都市的建造是為了人們能在其中尋覓到美的感覺,享受到生活的樂趣。


現代都市 空間美感 審美 體驗


Since the ancient times, questions of the modern urban artistic have always been one of the goals on which architects and designers diligently strive. In the urban modernization process, people have gradually been paying attention to questions of the city’s appearance beautification and the environment art. Development of people’s creation of modern urban beauty and understanding of modern urban esthetics has already been in the stage of more self-awareness. The space in association with construction of society relationship plays a decisive role, and urbanization is an inevitable choice of human beings. The purpose of this research is in urban space and urban environment by means of the urbanite’s aesthetics self-discipline and the aesthetics-sense of experiencing, to perform fully the value of modern urban and the future-urban development direction of sense of space aesthetics. the purpose of this research it to go through review and analysis of literature data and analysis by experiencing status of modern urban development in order to complete the four philosophy aspects of space aesthetic:1、Studying of the philosophy of esthetic experiencing, based on the theory and concept;2、Embedding esthetic self-discipline and feeling experiencing, generating sense of mind and vision;3、Probing into the esthetics timing and transforming, analyzing remembrance of culture esthetics;4、Encoding the real/false relationships of space, forming the modern urban space of appealing and gracing. This research is in accordance with four big aspects of meaning experiencing, and which is obtaining abstract of philosophy and actual situation as the following four points: 1、Aesthetics has its essence and characteristics, and people’s experiencing in urban starts from feeling. Each feeling generates a kind of atmosphere, thus accumulating all kinds of feelings which form of aesthetics experiencing. 2、Sense of urban aesthetics is the spirit achievement on urbanite’s life pursuing in time and space. Urban residents have a kind of deep emotional experiencing in sense of urban aesthetics. It is to form this emotion in long-term growing and living. 3、There is a very long history of urban. In history, culture space of urban is urbanite’s creating substance culture and spirit culture in generating timing remembrance after undergoing metamorphosis. 4、Urban space of aesthetics is to measure and define the space by urbanite’s sense of aesthetics, and consists of space pattern and activities. Besides substance environment, events, atmosphere, status, and history remembrance are included in urban texture and structure. Regarding modern urban, we should set up a steadfast faith:namely, the modern urban build-up is for people to search the sense of beauty and to enjoy the jealous of life.


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