  • 學位論文


Genetic diversity, regional distribution and anti-inflammatory bioactivity of Wedelia species (Asteraceae) in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊寧蓀
共同指導教授 : 彭鏡毅(Ching-I Peng)


輔助替代醫學(Complementary and alternative medicines),簡稱CAM,在全世界逐漸被重視、接受,並且逐步被使用在公共醫療保健上。由於草藥療法日益流行,藥草植物的安全性及藥效性的議題也就越發重要。在台灣,黃花蜜菜,或稱為蟛蜞菊(Wedelia chinensis),是一種常被用於青草茶主要成分之一的重要民間草藥。根據本實驗室黃郁婷等之前的研究發現,黃花蜜菜的水萃物對於由葡聚醣硫酸鈉誘導的小鼠腸炎(Dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced murine colitis),有抗發炎的生物活性效果。但是,蟛蜞菊屬(The genus Wedelia) 在台灣的物種有四個種以及兩個變種,因此,本研究主要目的是在為提升台灣之中草藥生技研發及產業前提下,具體評估台灣所有蟛蜞屬之物種。這包括它們在小鼠腸炎模式下的抗發炎活性,同時要整合一個全面性的先進生技鑑定方法來確保藥草材料的確效性及安全性。根據我們的研究結果顯示,不同種的蟛蜞菊之形態和組織結構上也有差異。以核醣體內轉錄區序列(internal transcribed spacer, ITS)做為分子鑑定所得到的結果則顯示,在台灣,此屬的所有物種其內轉錄區序列上有顯著差異。另一方面,我們使用了高效液相層析儀(High performance liquid chromatography, HPLC),及超高速液相層析儀結合以電灑離子法為離子源的飛行式串聯質譜儀(Ultra performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry, UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF MS)等有機/生物化學分析方法,定出了這些蟛蜞菊萃取物的化學成分及特性。得到初步資料後,再將資料經由主成分分析法(principal component analysis, PCA)比較分析,得到不同蟛蜞菊其成分上的差異性。另外,高效液相層析儀的結果也顯示出數個單一植化物 (phytochemicals),包含綠原酸 (Chlorogenic acid)及阿魏酸 (Ferulic acid),可做為蟛蜞屬之化學標誌(chemical markers/index compounds),這些化學標誌在未來可被用於正確草藥品質的管制和確效。此外,從小鼠抗腸炎實驗中,我們也發現除了黃花蜜菜之外,南美蟛蜞菊(W. trilobata)和雙花蟛蜞菊(W. biflora)也有降低腸胃發炎的效果。總之,結合這些研究結果後,可以提供台灣在傳統草藥研究上一個有用的生物技術平台。


蟛蜞菊 抗發炎


“Complementary and alternative medicines” (CAM) are increasingly appreciated and recognized for use in public health care in the West and throughout the world. Research into the safety and efficacy of medicinal plants has become a pivotal issue since herbal remedies have become more popular. Wedelia chinensis (HuangHuaMiCai, PengQiJu, 黃花蜜菜/蟛蜞菊) is an important folk herbal medicine, which is often used as a key component for various herbal teas sold in Taiwan. Our previous study revealed that the crude extract of Wedelia chinensis conferred an anti-inflammatory effect on dextran sulphate sodium (DSS)-induced murine colitis (Huang et al., unpublish). There are four species and two additional varieties of Wedelia in Taiwan. The present study aims to characterize them by a combination of authentication techniques including: macroscopic and microscopic techniques, molecular authentication, and metabolite/chemical fingerprinting techniques, followed by evaluation of their anti-inflammatory bioactivities in the DSS-induced murine colitis model. Our results show that different species of Wedelia in Taiwan exhibit different morphologies and histological structures. Analysis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) DNA sequence also revealed significant differences among them. Characterization of metabolite profiles of these Wedelia species with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF MS) and by principal component analysis (PCA) reveals distinguishable chemical compositions and profiles among Wedelia species. Our results suggest that several phytochemicals including chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid among Wedelia species have the potential to serve as chemical markers (index compounds) for quality control and verification of these medicinal herbs. Most importantly, we demonstrate that aqueous extracts derived from W. chinensis, W. trilobata and W. biflora can attenuate colitis in DSS-induced murine colitis model. Together, these findings provide a useful platform approach for biotechnological studies of traditional herbal medicines.


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