  • 學位論文


The Study of “the Leadership and Management of Silk Road Expedition”

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


『絲路探險長征』是前無古人後無來者的長征挑戰,跑者需要以150天,現時抵達中國西安城牆,所有挑戰必須考慮氣候、海拔、溫度、暴雨、受傷、政治、財務、人性、叛軍等…許多不可抗拒之因素,整個團隊如何在上述的不可能因素中組織並管理其來自於世界各地不同文化、人種、工作模式的方法,其尋得成功因素于領導、組織學習、還有目標設定,意志力上的管理意涵。 本研究透過質性之個案研究敘述,藉由跑者隊長之引述,討論絲路探險長征的籌備方式,究竟在強大的壓力與沒有前者替代經驗下如何把組織籌備完成,在執行方式如何運用「唯一經驗跑者」的想法實際執行,本案透過組織與人力資源、策略、領導作為研究的變項條件,自變項:領導者、意志力。依變項:組織學習、環境因素條件的條件因素下之交叉影響,討論人力組織的構面上,包括:核心團隊的參與,跑者參與、地接社的專業度、不同領域之環境因素影響、領導與文化構面、營運結構的討論。研究顯示:(一)人力資源在自變項中領導者有顯著影顯、意志力介入條件並無影響。而在依變項中有很大的影響效果。(二)領導中變項條件中只有環境因素影響較低,其他皆有顯著影響。(三)策略設定上皆有絕對影響。 在於絲路探險長征中的意涵,針對管理學之組織架構植入後的綜合性討論,並針對本研究結果,提出可能的限制條件、作為後者繼續相關研究建議,並以未來實務應用建議。


The Silk Road Expedition, an unprecedented challenge which runners need to arrive at the destination, the streets of Xi'an in China, in 150 days. Runners need to consider climate, altitude, temperature, torrential rains, injuries, politics, finance, humanity, rebels, and so on. How the entire team in the above-mentioned factors organized and managed successfully from different parts of the world, is due to leadership, organizational learning, goals set up, as well as the willpower on the management implications. This study, through the case study of the qualitative case, discusses the preparation of the Silk Road Adventure by the leader of the runner to figure out how to complete the organization under the strong pressure and without the experience of the former and how to use the " the only experience of runners", the actual implementation of the idea. The case through the organization and human resources, strategy, leadership as a study of the variables, independent variables: leaders, willpower; dependent variable: organizational learning, political conditions, under the conditions of the cross factors to discuss the human organization of the faculty, including: the participation of the core team, runners to participate in the degree of professionalism, different areas of political influence, leadership and cultural structure, operational structure of the discussion. Studies have shown that: (a) human resources in the independent variables in the leader has a significant impact, will not interfere with the conditions of intervention. And in the variable items have a great impact on the effect. (b) Only the political influence of the variables in the leadership is low, and the others have significant influence. (C) the strategy is set on the absolute impact. It is aimed at the comprehensive discussion after the implantation of the organizational structure of management, and puts forward the possible restrictive conditions for the results of this study, as the latter to continue the relevant research and suggestions, and to apply the recommendations in the future.


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