  • 學位論文


The Study of Relationship between Corporate Governance and Business Performance

指導教授 : 柯承恩 蔡彥卿


摘 要 繼1997年東南亞發生金融風暴,1998年下半年起台灣陸續傳出掏空公司資產事件後;在2001年,連向來被視為全球公司治理模範的美國,亦接踵傳出安隆(Enron)、世界通訊(World Com)等公司之重大會計弊案,使得投資人信心渙散,並導致全球股市大幅下挫等連鎖反應,促使美國布希總統在2002年7月30日簽署企業改革法案(Sarbanes-Oxley Act),期能提昇投資人之信心。 東亞各國自1997年中所開始經歷的金融危機,其引爆點雖來自於國際避險基金在各國資本市場快速流動的衝擊,爾後學者亦提出各種層面的解釋。但根據Johnson et al.(2000)的研究,公司治理因素較總體經濟因素對1997年開始之亜洲金融風暴有更高的解釋力。而之後的一連串弊案,除了引發學術界針對公司治理相關議題的研究熱潮外,各國政府亦亡羊補牢,陸續制定相關法令,強化公司治理機制。 本論文的研究主題,主要包含以下幾個部份:首先,在參考相關文獻後,本研究根據自行蒐集整理之資料,試圖建立一個利用公司治理變數預測未來公司績效的指標,一方面有助於投資人制定投資決策,另一方面亦可作為管理當局改善公司治理的參考,亦為未來發展定量公司治理評等系統奠定基礎;其次,本研究針對在上一階段所建立之公司治理績效預測指標,檢視其與公司當期及後期績效之關聯性,據以判斷其對公司未來績效是否具有預測能力;在第三部份,本研究欲探究在同時考慮了公司前期績效、前期公司治理績效預測指標的情況下,當期公司治理績效預測指標對公司當期績效的影響;在實證測試的第四部份,本研究欲檢視公司治理績效預測指標是否為“價值攸關”(value relevant)的課題;在第五部份,有關外部法人董監事、交叉持股、獨立專業經理人擔任董事、關係人交易、董監事持股及外資持股比例等變數對公司績效會造成何種影響,長期以來一直是各界熱烈討論的課題,本研究利用自行整理的變數,進行深入探討,希望能得到較精確的結果。 本論文主要研究結果如下:一、實證結果顯示,本論文所建構的公司治理績效預測指標與當期績效、下期績效存在顯著正向關係。二、當同時考慮當期與前期公司治理績效預測指標時,僅在以Tobin Q為因變數時,公司治理績效預測指標的係數才顯著,其餘則不顯著;當期公司治理績效預測指標的係數皆大於零,而前期公司治理績效預測指標的係數則正負號皆有,但當期公司治理績效預測指標係數的絕對值皆大於前期公司治理績效預測指標的絕對值,顯示當期效果比遞延效果來得大;若吾人把當期與前期公司治理績效預測指標的係數相加,係數和皆大於零,顯示公司治理對公司績效仍有正面的影響。三、先前研究發現,控制股東常利用金字塔結構與交叉持股等方式來加強其對公司的控制權,同時也使得控制股東的所有權與控制權產生偏離,加深代理問題的嚴重性。而本研究實證結果也顯示,不論公司績效變數是否已調整產業平均數,交叉持股變數多呈顯著為負,顯示公司交叉持股的行為與公司下期績效(不論是否調整產業平均數)呈顯著負相關,這和La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer (1999)及翁淑育(2000)等研究的結果相呼應。四、關於法人董監事對公司績效的影響,一直未有定論。本研究透過資料整理的工作,找出與控制股東無關之外部法人董事與外部法人監察人。實證結果發現當使用下期未調整產業平均數之 與 時,外部法人董事比例的係數顯著為正,但在調整產業平均數後及使用 為因變數時,其係數則不顯著。在外部法人監察人比例方面,實證結果多呈顯著為負,顯示外部法人監察人代表人未能發揮其應有的弁遄C五、證券交易法第二十六條規定公開發行公司全體董事及監察人二者所持有記名股票的股份總額,各不得少於公司已發行股份總額一定之成數,此一規定長期以來即為各界所熱烈討論,實證結果發現,不論公司下期績效變數是否已調整產業平均數,董監事持股比例與公司下期績效皆呈顯著正相關。六、關於董事會中獨立專業經理人擔任董事的比例愈高是否有助於公司績效提昇的問題,實證結果發現獨立專業管理者擔任董事之比例愈高,對公司未來績效有顯著正向的影響。七、關於外資持股比例與公司未來績效之關聯性課題,實證結果均支持外資持股比例與公司未來績效呈正相關的推論。八、關係人交易一直為各界所關切,因為它可能是公司與控制股東間利益輸送的管道;但就已完成垂直整合或水平整合的集團企業而言,關係人進銷貨交易是企業多角化後的正常現象,它可降低成本,提高利潤與競爭力,因此,本研究認為,關係人交易對公司績效的影響,可能須視交易型態而定。實證結果發現,關係人進銷貨比例與公司下期績效變數多呈顯著正向關係。但有一點值得注意的是,上述關係人進銷貨金額是取自公司財務報表,故結論的正確性需視財務報表是否允當表達而定。吾人無法排除二種可能性:針對某些有利益輸送之嫌的關係人交易,公司經營階層可能預作某種交易的安排,使其不必在財報報表關係人交易科目中報導(但本質上它確實為關係人交易);另一種可能性是會計師未針對關係人交易科目忠實允當表達,以上兩種情形均會影響有關關係人進銷貨交易結論的正確性。而在關係人資金往來部份,實證結果發現,調整後關係人資金往來比例對公司未來績效皆有負面之影響,顯示過多的關係人資金往來背後可能隱藏著控制股東對公司資金的不當運用,建議主管機關可對此方面做更詳盡的規範。


Abstract Since 1997, the Asian financial crisis has deeply affected the development of emerging markets in Asia. Johnson et al. (2000) find that measures of corporate governance, particularly the effectiveness of protection for minority shareholders, provide powerful explanatory ability for exchange rate depreciation and stock market decline better than do standard macroeconomic measures. In addition, many studies have found that there exist serious shortcomings of corporate governance in East Asia (Claessens et al., 2002; and so on). The objects of this study are as follows: First, this study tries to construct a Corporate Governance Performance Prediction Index (CGPPI)which can predict firms’ future performance. Second, this study plans to investigate the relationship between corporate governance and business performance. Third, this study plans to investigate the issue about whether the Corporate Governance Performance Prediction Index (CGPPI)is value relevant. Fourth, this study plans to investigate the issue about whether outside institutional directors and outside institutional supervisors will impact firms’ performance. Firth, this study plans to investigate the issue about whether the independent manager directors can make influences on firms’ performance. Sixth, this study plans to investigate the issue about whether the foreign institutional investors can influence firms’ future performance. Seventh, this study also investigates the relationship between the shareholdings of the directors/supervisors and the firm’s future performance. Eighth, this study plans to investigate the relationship between related transactions and corporate performance. Tenth, this study tries to construct a corporate governance database of Taiwan. Using data from Taiwan's public companies, this study documents evidence that the Corporate Governance Performance Prediction Index (CGPPI)constructed in this study can be used to predict firms’ future performance. This study also finds that the Corporate Governance Performance Prediction Index (CGPPI)is value relevant. I also find that the relationship between the outside institutional supervisors and firms’ future performance is negative, and the relationship between outside institutional directors and firms’ future performance is mixed. The empirical evidence also indicates that shareholdings of the directors/supervisors and the foreign institutional investors have a significant positive relationship with firms’ future performance. In addition, the empirical evidence also indicates that the related sale may reflect the diversification of the firms, and make the firms enjoy the benefits of cost saving. This study contributes to the literature in the following ways. First, this study documents evidence that the Corporate Governance Performance Prediction Index (CGPPI)constructed in this study can be used to predict firms’ future performance. Second, as for the issue about whether the foreign institutional investors and the shareholdings of the directors/supervisors can help firms improve their future performance, this study provides positive evidence. Third, this study indicates that the independent manager directors can help firms to improve their future performance. Fourth, prior studies generally documented that the related sales have a negative effect on the firms’ performance. However, this study finds that the related sale may reflect the diversification of the firms, and make the firms enjoy the benefits of cost saving.


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