  • 學位論文

打造一個綠色烏托邦?! 潭南協力造屋的空間生產與文化政治

Constructing A Green Utopia?! The Spatial production and Cultural Politics in the process of self-help housing in Tannan Community

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


60年代源自西方的自力造屋運動,強調屋主參與住宅決策或建造的過程,一方面可解決第三世界國家住宅不足的問題,另一方面則是意圖讓住宅更符合屋主的需求。1989年的無殼蝸牛運動,首度提出了推動自力造屋的概念;真正的實踐經驗,則是落在1999年921災區重建時,謝英俊團隊之邵族自力造屋。此後,「自力造屋」、「協力造屋」的概念、論述和實踐開始風行,但在討論上對於其定義、意義仍是模糊、未加定義又缺乏定調。大多數對於自力造屋的討論,在時間和空間向度上,仍顯得片斷。 本研究透過政治經濟學批判的衝突論觀點,以南投縣信義鄉的潭南協力造屋進行案例分析,提供台灣自力造屋運動實踐的社會脈絡及物質基礎,以理解其成功崛起和後繼無力之關鍵徵結所在。其次,本研究探討外來專業者和志工對當地社區的互動關係,以及協力造屋過程和結果對潭南村民的影響。再者,潭南協力造屋蘊涵豐富的意義,是綠色烏托邦意識形態的再現,對不同行動者產生了不同的意義。 最後,本文分析自力造屋作為住宅去商品化的可能與限制,藉由「批判性的地域主義」的概念,提議結合原住民傳統文化和技術的自力造屋,為台灣自力造屋實踐的可能性出路。


The “self-help housing” movement in the 1960’s from the western countries emphasized on the process of making building decision which the owner participate in. The problem of housing insufficiency could be solved through the movement. On the other hand, the need of house owner would be satisfied. The concept of self-help housing appeared first in the housing movement in 1989. The practice is the experience of Sao tribe helped by Chie Yin Jun’s team after the 921 earthquake. Thus, the concept , description and practices of “self-help housing” and “ housing by ourselves” became popular. However, it is still a vague and undefined word. Most discussions about “self-help housing” ,whether in the dimensions of time and space, are fragmental. This essay is a case study of self-help housing experience in Taipei which takes Tannan community for example. Through the conflict viewpoint of political economical criticism, the social context and material base is provided. It unveal the essential reason of success and failure of self-help housing. Secondly, the interactive relations between external specialist, volunteers and indigenous community is discussed. Thirdly, self-help housing in Tannan is much more meaningful. It represented an ideology of green utopia, and effect different agents with diverse meaning. In the last, I propose the possibility and limit of self-help housing as a way of de-commoditized. Using the concept of “ Critial Regionalism ”, It may be a alternative self- help housing practice to combine traditional culture and skill of indigenous aboriginal groups.


謝英俊建築師事務所網站 http://www.atelier-3.com/
1998(2002) Work, Consumerism and the New Poor. 《工作、消費與新貧》王志弘譯,台北:巨流。
Bauman, Zygmunt


