  • 學位論文


Tectonic and Architectural :Design Discourse of Hsieh Ying-chun,1990-2009s

指導教授 : 蔣雅君


本研究旨以90年代以降謝英俊建築師的建築實踐進行初步分析,目的並不是對謝英俊建築師的歷史主體做評價,而是對建築實踐分析,試著以謝英俊的建築實踐(1990 ~ 2009s)作為本研究的研究對象。最初研究動機是源自於「地域性」議題,在當代建築中發現謝英俊建築師從早期參與宜蘭厝的活動至近年來創造一套新營建模式協助地震災後居民的重建。從中發現謝氏建築實踐與法蘭普頓「構築性(tectonic)」思維有極為相似的立場,由此論點為基礎,分析謝氏建築作品中構造、材料、技術等等之間關係,藉以了解謝氏在當代地域主義中「構築性」所扮演的角色。 本研究將榭英俊建築實踐(1990-2009)分為三個時期,分別是建築地域實踐這時期以官方的文化想像來處理居民對地方的認同,以一種後現代拼貼來表現地域文化;第二時期是臺灣921災後重建,有別於之前的拼貼表現,以一種現代主義的處理手法解決居住的問題,將一切的形式降到最低,運用材料與構造設計的結合,讓材料表現不再只是裝飾性的而是帶出獨特的構築性意涵。透過協力造屋的模式,將造屋的權利重專業廠商中奪回,同時以開放架構讓更多的議題能夠同時的融入其中,兼容不同地域特色與彈性,自然而然地產生多樣化的建築文化內涵;第三階段大陸農村建築實踐,延續台灣協力造屋經驗,企圖將鄉村建築帶往更為環保、生態的方向去發展,讓永續建築實踐成為可能。從謝英俊建築實踐的意義,反思當代建築對於建築教育、建築美學觀、建築的價值觀及建築師的在社會上角色等等,展現出與謝英俊建築師與當代建築師不同的時代意義。


The research that we conduct regards the preliminary analysis based on the architect Hsieh Ying-Chun Instead of evaluating on its historical facade, this research focuses on the actualization of the architecture, naming the whole process ( 1990~2009s ) as our research target. The original motive in carrying out this research derives from “regional” concept. We figured out a new set of building mode from architect Hsieh catering to assist the residents to rebuild their houses in the aftermath of the strike from earthquakes, according to his feedback from participating a series of I-Lan houses activities. And there’s a similar standpoint between Mr. Hsieh’s practice and the so- called “ tectonic”point of view. Based on this theory, we get to analyze the relationship regarding the structure, materials and techniques adopted from the Architect Hsieh’s masterpiece in order to understand the role that Mr. Hsieh’s productions play in this contemporary regional concept of “structuralism.” This research divides Hsieh Ying-Chun architectural execution into three phases. They are, “the execution on architectural regions”, “ the renovation after 921 Earthquake”, and “ the execution on Chinese farming villages.”As for “ the execution on architectural regions”, it is expressed with a sort of postmodern collage technique. And the second stage “ the renovation after 921 Earthquake”, apart from the previous experience, its style is rendered in modernism, with the combination of material and the structure design. Speaking of the third stage “ the execution on Chinese farming experience”, the development of country styled houses are built in a more environmental friendly direction. In the light of Mr. Hsieh’s actual practice on house building process, everything reflects his unique niche regarding the contemporary architectural education, architectural aesthetics, the values of architects, as well as the roles that architects play, ...etc. And these makes him stands out from the rest.


鄒永廉撰(2006),《區域性建築之構築- 以淡水地區材料探討填充式工法-》,淡江大學
Kenneth Frampton,1985,《Modern Architecture》,p.327,London :Thames and Hudson Ltd
Kenneth Frampton (1995),《Studies in Tectonic Culture:The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture》, Mass :MIT Press。


