  • 學位論文


A Study on Lean Procurement Management for Construction Industry

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


營造廠執行專案採購發包之預算與實際執行的費用之間經常產生落差現象,透過案例營造廠公司的專家訪談與實地調查,發現施工階段的費用增加是由於一般營造廠於發包採購階段時過於信賴工程慣例與市場行情,而這二者之間經常隱藏了許多高額的浪費,致使工地執行時成本增加。 因此本研究以營造廠為對象,透過文獻回顧、個案研究及專家訪談的方式,針對結構工程在施工階段的各種浪費情形加以歸類,並導入精實營建的觀念,針對所歸類的浪費情形尋求其解決方式,本研究結果發現經由良好的規劃以及有效的制度,將專業承包商於未來施工期間的重要事項(包含:物料進場的品質、時間、數量、地點、所使用之資源、物料儲放位置以及進場動線)提前於採購階段加以協議,可以使專業承包商於工程施工前了解整個專案流程,並且清楚了解未來各個工程階段中所該達成的事項,降低專業承包商對於工程的不確定性,避免未來施工過程中沒有必要的浪費,進而降低工程執行成本,達到減少浪費、提升產能及施工品質的精實營建目的。 透過本研究結合精實營建理論以建立精實採購管理的重要項目,並且提出一套規劃完善之精實採購管理模式,經由個案導入配合深入訪談採購部門專家的方式,將所建構之精實採購管理模式導入案例公司所推行之實際個案中,並以模擬之方式推估該導入模式後所產生之效益,以驗證模式在實務操作之可行性,提供日後採購作業中之各個關係人執行採購作業規劃的依循模式,使整體營建專案達到精實採購之目的。


There are usually differences between the budget and the real expense when construction companies parcel out works to contractors. Through on-site interview and investigation with the construction company, we discover that the construction cost later increases because companies highly depend on experience and market price for budgeting. The differences often encompass a great amount of waste thus increases the construction cost. This research targets on the construction company and classify different civil engineering scenarios under which the waste occurs during the construction through past documents, case studies and specialist interviews. Further, our research brings in the concept of lean construction to seek solutions for each scenario. Our research shows that construction companies should reach agreements with contractors on crucial requirements such as material, time, location, quality, quantity, resource /equipment, inventory place and path before construction. This can be done via well planning and effective system. The goal is to allow contractors to clearly understand the project process and requirements at each stage, lower the uncertainty toward construction, and avoid unnecessary waste. Ultimately, construction companies will be able to lower construction cost, lower waste, and reach both higher effectiveness and quality. Our research aims at offering a well-organized procurement management model that combines lean production theory and practical procurement criteria. Through case studies and personal interview with procurement specialists, we applied our procurement model to a real case and simulated the outcome to estimate the feasibility of the model. Our model provides a future guideline for construction companies in procurement process and facilitates the realization of lean procurement for civil engineering


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