  • 學位論文

了解日本中央與地方政府協作治理:以世田谷區、 和歌山縣和廣島縣COVID-19-PCR檢測政策為案例

Understanding the cooperation between the national and local government's responses in Japan:The case of the PCR testing policy for Covid19 in Setagaya Ward, Wakayama and Hiroshima

指導教授 : 劉康慧


本研究旨在了解「集中化」和「分權化」對日本核酸檢測(PCR)政策實 施的影響。首先,集中化與分權化之概念是由整合、合法性和領導力所構成。再 者,本文分析了日本世田谷區、和歌山縣和廣島縣在 COVID-19 流行期間實施的 核酸檢查政策,而後探討透過 PCR 檢測措施來有效控制大流行的政策過程。在研 究方法方面,本文運用文字探勘方法的共現網絡圖(co-occurrence network diagram)協助探究以上三個地方政府究竟在何種面向上受到了集中化和分權化的 影響。研究結果顯示,地方政府應積極尋求中央政府的回應,以促進中央與地方 的融合。另一方面,PCR 檢測政策在集中化方面獲得成功,尤其是由於地方政府 基於科學證據向中央政府提出了新的政策建議,並且地方政府在過程中將中央政 府視為平等的合作夥伴。值得注意的是,在權力下放的過程中,地方政府本身也 必須發展領導力,使地方政府間形成綜合網絡關係,研究證明了這樣的關係在 PCR 檢測政策方面相當有效。最後,本研究建議,中央集權和地方分權應加強中 央和地方政府在核酸檢查政策設計中的整合和領導力,在法律基礎上明確劃分中 央政府與地方政府提案整合的義務,並通過利用地方政府的整合和領導能力來設 計地方治理業務連續性計劃(Business Continuity Plan)。


In this study, the author analyzes PCR testing policies implemented by Setagaya Ward, Wakayama prefecture, and Hiroshima prefecture in Japan during this pandemic period. This study aims to understand the effects of centralization and decentralization on implementation of PCR testing policy. These concepts are constructed by integration, legitimacy, and leadership. The text-mining-based co-occurrence network diagram helps us to observe which aspects of each local government's policies were affected by centralization and decentralization. Based on this analysis, the author found that local governments should actively seek responses from the central government to promote integration between central and local governments. The success of PCR testing policy in centralization is particularly due to the facts that local governments presented new policy proposals to the central government based on scientific evidence and that local governments treated the central government as an equal partner in the process. In the decentralization case, however, leadership should be developed among local governments. The formation of an integrated network among local governments is also effective in PCR testing policy. Finally, this study suggests that centralization and decentralization should strengthen the integration and leadership capacity of central and local governments in designing PCR testing policy. The policy recommendations clarify the central government’s obligation to integrate with local government proposals on a legal basis and developing BCPs through the use of local government integration and leadership.


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