  • 學位論文


In a Wei-niang Time and Space: Gender Transgression in the Cross-dressing Community of Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 司黛蕊


「偽娘」源自日本20世紀晚期的次文化,指的是以女裝姿態示人的男性。2010年左右由臺灣扮裝者逐漸開始用以自稱,在城市區域也陸續出現偽娘主題的工作室與社群空間。偽娘雖然具有性別越界(gender transgression)的意涵,但卻是一個在同志運動身份政治脈絡之外的範疇,與20世紀末從西方引介的「跨性別」(transgender)不完全相同。這份研究將偽娘視為一項追求美學與娛樂的自我改造計劃,透過「部分時間」(part-time)強調扮裝實踐的特性。有別於跨性別者全然轉換社會、法制等層面的性別身份,這些女裝行動者看似維持既有「普通」的異性戀男性認同,又伺機找尋跨入另一個時空的可能性。 基於田野工作的參與觀察及訪談所蒐集的材料,這份研究(一)敘述偽娘如何覺察自己對於女裝美學的偏好,並在維持男性人生的同時投立建立新身份的歷程;(二)重新解讀酷兒研究的展演性理論,透過偽裝(masquerade)與時間性(temporality)的概念分析偽娘的性別越界,展開文化與在地介入(local intervention)層次的討論;(三)與日本次文化的研究對話,定位臺灣偽娘,以「偽娘基地」為例呈現新興事業如何為扮裝者提供空間的條件,並影響性別越界,形塑社群及姊妹關係;(四)藉由平行時空與遊戲兩個關鍵的比喻詮釋偽娘對部分時間性別越界的理解。女裝的意義是開啟另類的時間性想像,然而也面臨時間管理的難題。偽娘的經驗暗示性別的多重本體,帶來對真假、內外等二元對立範疇的反思。


偽娘 扮裝 跨性別 性別越界 酷兒時空 時間性


Wei-niang, originated from subcultures (ACG) in the late 20th century Japan, refers to male crossdressers who wear women's clothing. Since 2010, crossdressers in Taiwan began to adopt this word calling themselves. Studios and community also emerged in urban areas. As a category relates to gender transgression, however, wei-niang is not an identity constructed in the context of the LGBTs social movement. Wei-niang is not completely the same as the "transgender" introduced from the West at the end of the 20th century. Viewing wei-niang as a self-reform project of feminized aesthetics and entertainment, this study emphasized the part-time characteristic of the dressing practice. Transgender people who tend to change their gender identities formally, in contrast, these crossdressers seem to maintain their "ordinary" straight male identity meanwhile seeking for opportunities to step into another time and space. Based on online/offline fieldwork including interviews and participant observations in northern Taiwan, this study attempt to (1) describe how men perceived their preference for feminized aesthetics then established new identities; (2) analyze the wei-niang by focusing on the concepts of masquerade and temporality in Butler's performativity theory, and develop a discussion about culture and local intervention; (3) locate Taiwanese wei-niang through queer anthropology framework inspired by Galbraith's ethnography about otaku (ACG fans) in Japan, and illustrate how businesses providing favorable conditions for male crossdressers thus shaping the community and their "sisterhood"; (4) interpret "parallel universe" and "games" as key metaphors expressing the meaning of part-time gender transgression to wei-niang. Crossdressing implies an alternative temporal imagination though the practice causing problems of time management. The case of wei-naing reveals multiple ontology of gender, questioning dualism such as truth or false, the internal or the external.


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