  • 學位論文


The structure Analysis of narratives in Spoken Chinese and its Pedagogical Applications

指導教授 : 蔡宜妮


人類透過語言傳遞訊息,互通有無。而語言又分為口語及書面語,書面語較為正式,多為經過深思熟慮的產物;而口語則較非正式,且產出時,說話者思考的時間只有一瞬。「口語敘事」是日常生活人際互動中重要的語言行為之一,而在一般的對話中,對話參與者將輪流扮演說者與聽者的角色;但當有某一方出現強烈的敘事動機時,即可能於對話中以較長時間掌握話語權以進行敘事。 對二語學習者而言,「口語敘事」的訓練,更接近「演說」、「報告」的訓練。學習者可能事先擬定演說稿,才進行敘事。而一般的華語課堂中,教師要求學生進行較長篇幅的口頭回答時,也多半是針對課文或某一議題,要求學生回答,而非學生自發性的口語敘事。因此,本研究欲先探究中文母語者自然的口語敘事結構,再提出華語口語敘事教學方法。為探究中文母語者的口語敘事結構,研究者於2016年7-8月間,進行了18次一對一的研究訪談,得出總計16小時14分鐘之錄影/錄音訪談結果。為了能於研究訪談中有效率地採集敘事語料,故於訪談前設計了「半結構式」的研究訪談框架,以利受訪者能快速浸淫於訪談環境中;並於訪談中引導出受訪者的敘事動機,以使受訪者能於訪談中後部分自在地以「無結構式」的方式給出敘事。 研究訪談結束後,研究者截去訪談中對談的部分,整理出101條敘事段落,再將語料透過 Gee(1991)「行節區分法」得出行、小節、大節、部之後,再將各行歸分為Labov(1972)六種口語敘事基本結構成分。最後,研究者發現六種口語敘事基本結構成分中的其中三者:敘事事件摘要、敘事者評價、敘事事件結尾,是敘事事件的「敘事骨架」,而其中兩者:敘事事件複雜內容/行動及敘事事件結果是敘事事件的「敘事內涵」;當敘事者進行口語敘事時,最重要的是必須明確地提出敘事骨架,而敘事內涵的重要性為次。據此發現,研究者提出了中文口語敘事的建議架構,以及建構常見結構的方式。最後,研究者提出「中文口語敘事定式教學」及其教案,作為華語教學中口語敘事教學的建議。


Oral narration is a significant language activity in daily human interactions. During a everyday conversation, participants tend not to obsess the turns in a long period but take turns. Only when one of the attendees has a strong narrative motivation will the attendee hold the turn for a long while. This study aims to deliver a new narration teaching method in Teaching Chinese as a second language; therefore, the researcher held 18 times of one-to-one research interviews during June to August 2016, and collected video/record materials of about 16 hours in total as the interview result. In order to collect narrative materials more efficiently, a semi-structured frame of research interview was built to immerse the informants in a natural and spontaneous interview environment and to induce the narrative motivation from informants to deliver narration during interviews which had turned to be unstructured in the last half. After interviews, the researcher cut off the conversation parts between the researcher and the narrator in the materials and found 101 narrative sequences. These narrative sequences have been analyzed with Stanza Analysis method (Gee, 1991) and categorized by Labov's six basic elements of oral narration (Labov, 1972). Analysis has shown that three of the Labov's six basic elements of oral narration, which are Abstract, Evaluation, and Coda, can be taken as the "narrative frame", and Complication/Complicating Action and Resolution shall be seen as the "narrative content". The narrative frame is foudamental and more essential than the narrative content. At last, this study delivers an ideal narrative structure and advances a teaching recommendation with formulaic sequences teaching method.


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