  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction in Implementing Food and Agriculture Education in Private Preschools- A Case Study of Yunjia District

指導教授 : 張靜貞


私立幼兒園面臨少子化衝擊下,如何兼顧教學品質又能夠創新經營,加上近年食安問題層出不窮,家長越來越重視幼兒的飲食安全。因此,對於家長選擇幼兒園之偏好及對於結合教育農場進行食農教育之幼兒園而言,是否能夠得到家長高度認同,增加讓幼兒就讀意願,為本研究探討之目的。 本研究利用自編之「幼兒園與食農教育之家長滿意度研究問卷」為研究工具,針對小麥文教機構旗下 4所幼兒園家長進行抽樣問卷調查。問卷所得有效樣本之資料透過信、效度檢驗,運用敘述統計、單變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析以及內容分析等方法進行分析討論,歸納出以下幾點結論: (一)、幼兒園行銷活動中的教保服務對家長滿意度產生正向影響,本研究顯示家長在此層面滿意度最高的是幼兒的人身安全,其次是對園所呈現出幼兒教育之專業素養。 (二)、園所行政與環境設備對幼兒家長之滿意度具正向影響。家長最滿意的是園所提供彈性托育時間,另外也發現家長對於幼兒學習環境,園所擁有優質的教學與遊樂設備及足夠的活動空間等具有高度認同。 (三)、行銷與推廣層面對幼兒家長之滿意度具正向影響,尤其是對於幼兒園結合社區鄉鎮活動資源,營造良好的社區關係,家長給予高度認同。另外家長對於幼兒園舉辦參觀日讓家長能更了解園所的所有資訊也給予高度認同,代表園所舉辦參觀日能達到實際的行銷功效。 (四)、「食農教育」對於家長滿意度具高度顯著正相關,家長認同食農教育及教育農場是幼兒園的教學特色;另外非常滿意幼兒園中的餐點,認為若餐點採用的是教育農場中栽種的無毒蔬果會增加其子女之就讀意願,由此可知幼兒園透過此農場來進行食農教育的推廣行銷活動與造就高家長認同度,具高度顯著正相關。


Due to the impact of low-birth rate, a major issue faced by private kindergartens today is to maintain education quality while achieving innovative management. In addition, the problem of food safety in recent years has increasingly brought parents’ attention to the safety of children’s diet. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore parental preferences of kindergartens and analyze whether kindergartens that have incorporated food and farming education through collaborating with educational farms could gain a high degree of parental recognition, and thus, increase parents’ willingness to enroll their children. This study utilizes a “parental satisfaction questionnaire of kindergartens with food and farming education,” a self-developed research tool, to conduct a sample survey with parents from four kindergartens operated by Wheat Education. The data of effective samples gathered from the questionnaire are examined with reliability and validity tests. The following conclusions are made after the data are analyzed through various methods, including descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple stepwise regression analysis and content analysis. 1. Education and care services in marketing activities of kindergartens have a positive influence on parental satisfaction. The study shows that, in this aspect, parents have the highest satisfaction in children’s safety and the second highest in professional competencies of early childhood education. 2. Administrative management, environment and facilities of kindergartens have a positive influence on parental satisfaction. Parents have the highest satisfaction in flexible hours of childcare services provided by kindergartens. In addition, the study also discovers that parents have a high recognition of kindergartens’ learning environment, fine-quality education, amusement facilities and adequate time for exercise. 3. Marketing and promotion have a positive influence on parental satisfaction. In particular, parents have a high recognition when kindergartens combine event resources of communities and towns to establish good communal relations. Furthermore, parents also have a high recognition of “Open Day” organized by kindergartens for parents to better understand all provided information, which indicates that kindergartens’ “Open Day” has a real marketing effect. 4. “Food and farming education” has a strong positive correlation with parental satisfaction and indicates that parents identify with “food and farming education” and “educational farm” as kindergartens’ educational characteristics. Moreover, parents are highly satisfied with meals provided by the kindergartens and express that their willingness to enter their children in the kindergartens increases if the meals are made of non-toxic fruits and vegetables grown in the educational farms. Thus, the study shows that there is a high positive correlation between kindergartens’ marketing campaign of food and farming education with educational farms and a high parental recognition.


教育統計處,2021「幼兒(稚)園概況表(80~109 學年度)」,取自https://reurl.cc/kLnmRx。
