  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Strategic Innovation Model of Electronic Component Brokers

指導教授 : 李吉仁


電子製造產業價值鏈,半導體通路商扮演著從零組件供應鏈到需求鏈間的中介角色,提供電子製造廠倉儲管理服務、即時供貨、依單生產、甚至供應商管理庫存的供貨服務,電子製造廠的產品才能適時在市場銷售,也才能解決庫存管理與資金積壓等問題。 然而,近年來由於半導體產業技術的快速發展,產業內廠商競爭越發激烈,上游原廠研發投資成本逐年墊高,通路代理商對上游原廠、下游客戶議價力變低,毛利因而逐年降低。因此,原廠與通路代理商紛紛採水平併購策略,以前端整合研發活動的效益,與後端的倉儲物流作業,從而提升整體競爭力。然而,上游原廠的併購,對於代理通路商產生代理權保衛戰爭,市場供貨渠道因而產生競爭位移。當市場供貨渠道混亂、原廠或代理商因資源有限所產生的服務缺口,便造就電子零組件現貨商生存的空間。現貨貿易商可以填補原廠與代理商服務缺口,但也衍生終端客戶與貿易商重複訂貨,衍生長鞭效應的問題。原廠為維持市場穩定,對現貨貿易商打壓也從來沒有間斷。僅管市場對於現貨貿易商有所需求,但貿易商品質良莠不齊,客戶又對現貨信心不足,現貨貿易商是否能有創新經營模式來發展其生存利基? 本研究透過白地策略的架構,透過產業分析、個案公司專家訪談,探析半導體產業原廠代理制度,及其因限制客戶市場資訊來源,而產生的資訊落差。本研究因此提出「智慧夥伴買賣策略」以進行資訊落差的套利,也為客戶創造高於代工的毛利。客戶最重視現貨品質議題則透過本研究「安心免驗平台」之概念,扭轉客戶對現貨品錯誤印象,解決現貨商與客戶兩邊重複投入來料檢驗成本投入。


Semiconductor distributors play an intermediary role in the electronic component manufacturing industry. From the supply chain to the demand chain, providing electronic manufacturing customer warehouse management services, providing instant delivery just-in-time, build-to-order, and vendor management inventory supply services, so that end products can be available for sale in the market in time. However, due to the rapid development of technology and intensive competition within electronic component manufacturers during recent years, the R&D investments has to be increased to meet competition while the distributors’ baraining power is eroding and gross profits decrease. Both manufacturers and distributors therefore adopt horizontal merger and acquisition strategies to consolidate R&D and back-end logistics investments, hoping to improve operational efficiency and meet customers' one-stop solution goals. Such consolidations hence further affect the competitive landscape of distributor industry and services gaps appear due to demand-supply disequilibrium, which creates opportunities for independent electronic component distributors (or brokers). While the brokers fill the gaps between the manufacturers and distributors, risk of double orders from both distributors and brokers are unavoidable, a problem which induce the manufacturer’s interruption. Given the needs for brokers, it is interesting to explore if there is an innovative model for brokers to survive from the competitive tension. This study undertakes the framework of White Space Strategy to develop an innovative business model for independent electronic component distributors. We collect industry data and conduct interviews with professional informants to inductively reach some conclusions. We postulate an Intelligent Buy and Sell Strategy with risk-free inspection platform for value creation. Implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed.


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