  • 學位論文

產品開發品質改善及品質成本指標關聯性模式建立與分析 - 以電子零組件產業為例

The relationship between quality improvement under development and the index of quality cost -Electronics component

指導教授 : 陳弘信


許多有制度的公司在選擇及評核供應商時,並不單以成本價格為唯一考量,而更全面的評估,納入了設計(Design),品質(Quality), 客戶服務(Service),交期 (Delivery) ; 其中 DQ(Design Quality) 更是橫跨其中2項,其重要性更是不言而喻 ,先期設計就考量到顧客所需,滿足、甚至超過顧客對於產品及產品品質的預期,就是達到顧客滿意的重要競爭力來源。 在全球化競爭市場的環境下,企業為了搶先佔有市場與差異化之優勢,往往縮短產品研發時間。此現象雖可獲取差異化競爭優勢,但往往需推出尚未設計成熟之產品,這可能讓產品在不成熟或設計組裝困難階段投入生產,因而需要增加預防與鑑定之品質成本,甚至產生更龐大的失敗成本支出。 而在產品設計開發階段之設計品質直接影響產品的競爭力,從「產品企劃」→「研發/專案管理」 「驗證測試評估」→「人性因素」到「設計制度與法治化」的每一個過程,皆謹慎小心做對又做好,這就是〝設計品質〞。期望能達到提昇品質水準,降低品質成本及提昇產業之競爭力。 在品質成本部份包括預防成本、鑑定成本、內部失敗和外部失敗成本。而通常品質成本指標則是關切此四項品質成本總合的前後期變動情形。非特殊利基性產品及代工產業利潤日益微薄,成本的控制是非常的重要,尤其是品質成本管理日趨重要,企業必須同時兼顧品質及成本,以因應激烈競爭的環境,企業不只採購成本要低,更要達到總成本最低的目標。透過品質成本分析,探討與瞭解品質成長與品質成本指標的關聯性,並藉由探討產品開發週期解決方案的理論及應用及產品開發品質如何發揮最大的綜合效果,以作為擬定改善方針時之參考依據,再藉由完整與確實執行品質管理計畫,以提昇品質改善效果,進而提升顧客滿意度與企業的競爭力。


For a systematic corporate, cost is not the only index when choosing and auditing her own suppliers. In addition to this, “Design”, “Quality”, “Service”, and “Delivery” are also major index under the business review. For this reason, supplier’s “Design quality” (DQ) which covers “Design” and “Quality” phase will be very important for customer. Include customer’s quality requirement into development’s consideration, or even over customer’s expectation will be a major source of enterprise competitiveness. Under the circumstance of the competing market, for the timing to sin production line’s differentiation, company usually squeeze development schedule. But usually because of this, company will be forced to ship out product which has not been well developed yet. In case if it causes difficulty of control in production line, the defect screening in production line or customer side will cause another huge extra cost. The product quality from development phase will directly affect the competitiveness of the product itself. The product planning, development and project management, validation /verification, human nature, until design systematic and regularities are all important steps to have a good quality product. This is what we call “Design Quality” which we can use it to reduce quality cost and increase product’s competitiveness. Quality Cost includes Preventative Cost, Appraisal cost, Internal Failure Cost, and Exterior Failure Cost. In general, index of Quality Cost also represent the summary of all those 4 parties’ variation. Since it get less and less margin of ODM/OEM and non-niche market products. Cost control (especially Quality Cost) becomes more and more important. Enterprise needs to take care on both quality and cost to accommodate heated competing market. Not only the purchasing cost, but also the quality cost need to reach her own lowest target. Go through quality cost analysis to study and realize the relationship of quality improvement and quality cost indices. Study on the knowledge and application to find solution on the best effect of the summary of development quality and timing. By using precise execution of quality control plan to enhance quality improve. By this way, we can further lift up customer satisfactory and enterprise competitiveness.


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