  • 學位論文


Application of Quality Control Circle to Integrate Electronic Control Components to Improve Automation Quality and Effectiveness: A Case Study of Shuai Fong Enterprise

指導教授 : 陳建良




This research mainly focuses on the in-depth discussion on the Application of Qualtiy Control Circle to Integrate Electonic Control Components to Improve Automation Quality and Effectiveness: A Case study of Shuai Fong Enterprise. In the process of operation, the quality control circle activity operation mode is used as the promotion process and structure for improvement.Based on the problems of the current production process and production as the background to promote the research of quality control circle activities.Through the operation of quality control circle activities, we will explore the reasons in depth. And carry out relevant research and implementation of countermeasures to achieve the expected improvement results and goals.It is expected that a brand-new enterprise management mode and system will be created through the operation steps of the quality control circle activities. Simultaneously. Through P, D, C, A, improve the circulation of a logical, systematic and staged operation mode.Let the company move forward in the direction of continuous improvement.And through continuous improvement to improve the physique of enterprise management.Shaping an excellent corporate culture of learning.


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