  • 學位論文


Effectiveness of Machine Manufacturing Process Reengineering through Customize Enterprise Resource Planning

指導教授 : 林新力


資訊產業科技不斷的進步,過去傳統的生產方式已經無法滿足現今生產需求,為建立企業決定性的競爭優勢,持續成長獲利,改變是刻不容緩的事情。 本研究將以個案C公司為研究對象,先檢討現行的制度及作業流程,然後以企業流程(BPR)方式重新設計新流程,並列出最適用之ERP系統需求,C公司於ERP系統導入前,有許多資料庫連結的問題,與各部門資訊未能透明化及資訊未能即時分享等問題須待解決。然而藉由ERP系統的導入,C公司重新檢視企業所有流程,根據企業診斷結果,重新設計一套專屬於C公司適用之新流程後,導入ERP系統以符合該新流程所需,以期望達到企業流程改造之效益。 企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning)系統,透過新的流程設計,可以讓企業快速解決生產條件的限制,提高產能, 並作出平衡企業利益與顧客權益的最佳規劃,本研究針對以機械製造業C公司導入 ERP 系統評估及導入後效果作為探討的主題,並嘗試從企業內部使用者,和外部使用者,對這項議題作深入的探討,並根據研究資料提出研究結果與建議。


Recent advances in information technology (IT) have made the traditional mode of manufacturing without IT assistance outdated and uncompetitive for meeting current production needs. To establish a decisive business competitive advantage and continued growth in profitability, taking advantage in enterprise resource planning (ERP) is an urgent matter. This research will compare the case of machinery manufacturing “C” company in terms of the existing manufacturing systems and processes and after renewed design of new processes via business process reengineering (BPR), as well as enlist the most applicable system requirements for C Company’s ERP system implementation. The old manufacturing processes before had many problems in linking databases, non-transparent information with the various departments, and difficulty in information sharing and other issues. However, through BPR and customized ERP systems, C company can meet the new processes requirements and business expectations as benefits of process improvement. ERP system, after reflecting the new process design, can allow enterprises to quickly solve production constraints, increase productivity, and balance the business interests and customer interests in the optimal planning, In this study, the effectiveness and usability of C company’s newly designed ERP system were also evaluated by the internal users and external users. The result of this study and suggestions for future improvement were also presented.


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