  • 學位論文


A field study on hacker invasion and defensive strategy of information security of ROC government

指導教授 : 謝清佳 黃崇興


近年來,中共網軍以駭客手法入侵我國各級政府機關,竊取機密資料,嚴重影響我國家安全。因此,本研究針對目前台灣政府資訊安全現況進行深入探討,主要包括「駭客入侵管道」、「駭客攻擊模式」、「資訊安全防護策略」三個部分,以釐清在資訊戰中,是否某特定駭客攻擊模式慣常使用某入侵管道為途徑及適當的資訊安全防護策略。 本研究以台灣政府561個公家機關為樣本,採實證方式說明本研究之假設,其中發現「駭客入侵管道」及「資訊安全等級」皆與「駭客攻擊模式」有顯著關係,並獲致兩項結論(一)駭客入侵管道的採用類型,會影響駭客攻擊模式,駭客攻擊的破壞模式因入侵管道的不同而有所差異(二)資訊安全等級越高受到攻擊的機會就越少。資訊從業人員可參考本研究結果,進一步用於制定資訊安全防禦策略及反制順序,並期許本研究成果對後續研究者有所貢獻。


資訊安全 駭客 資訊戰


PRC has built up a modern troop which is using hacker measures as a weapon to invade each level of government units in order to steal conferential data in recent years, and it has endangered the overall national security. Therefore, this research was focus on information status quo of Taiwan government in depth which including “invading path”, “assaulting model” and “security strategy”, in order to clear up usual patterns that hackers are using as a path to break into specific information system,and help to find out adaptive protection strategy for information system. This research has taken 561 sample sizes from units of ROC government as a target, and adopted field study method to test three hypotheses. It has been found that “assaulting model” and “security strategy” were both of significance with “invading path” factor. We hence have concluded two results:First, the different types of invading path that hackers adopted will effect on assaulting manners, it means that hacker assaulting manners are varied depending on invading path. Second, the higher information security grades of the information system, the lesser opportunity the information system being invaded. Results of this study can be referenced to build up protection strategy and counter measure for the information security, and hope it can be of help to the step-searcher.


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