  • 學位論文


Patterns of Islamic State Terrorist Attack:Implications for Anti-Terrorism Mechanism of Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃介正


恐怖主義擴散,成為全球安全威脅,恐怖攻擊行動隨時都可能俟機而動,只要恐怖組織存在一天,沒有任何一個國家能夠完全倖免於恐怖活動的威脅,當然,臺灣也不例外。 當2015年11月25日,伊斯蘭國(ISIS)公布影片,公開地向美國在內的反ISIS的80個國家宣戰,其中包含臺灣在內,此時,臺灣遭到恐怖攻擊的可能性將不能再被排除。臺灣是世界群體的一部分,過去雖沒有遭受到恐怖攻擊,但臺灣位居西太平洋地區的地緣中心、金融轉運站及飛航轉運點,戰略地位實屬重要,國際間恐怖份子,可能藉由臺灣當轉運或規劃,大量運輸人員及武器,尤其是中東地區或東南亞國家人民,易與恐怖組織成員勾結串聯,提供藏匿之處所,或犯罪之避風港。且臺灣已與國際接軌,有許多外國機構、公司在臺設立據點,辦理外交及商務事宜,而歐美等國駐外代表處、公司、眷屬、僑民,往往是恐怖份子鎖定攻擊之目標;再加上美國於911恐怖攻擊事件及遭遇過許多類似攻擊後,美國反恐制度已漸趨健全,反觀臺灣,因尚未有恐怖攻擊的情形發生,致使恐怖份子可能會認為臺灣在防範恐怖攻擊這個部分,能力略差些,因此,只要使用成本較低的戰略方法及武器,即可摧化心理震憾,造成全球的恐慌,以達到效果。 綜上,臺灣不能再自外於這些變化,國際反恐目標的重點在於遏制國家對恐怖主義支持之行為,建立與維持更有效地預防及打擊恐怖主義的對策。然目前臺灣在反恐方面雖已採取了相關的作為,並建立了若干對策,惟反恐作業與相關措施在國內尚在初步創立階段,仍有很多待克服之處,須憑藉政府及國軍反恐相關部門,認識恐怖主義現象及積極建構臺灣防恐制度,消弭恐怖份子可能威脅的因素及方式,方可降低臺灣地區受恐怖組織襲擊的機會。


The spreading of terrorism has become global security threats. No country can escape and so does Taiwan. When Taiwan was included in the 80 countries identified by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) that it declared war upon, in a video released on 25 November 2015, Taiwan could no longer being excluded as a target of terrorist attack. Though Taiwan has not experienced terrorist attack, as part of the global community, geopolitical center of Western Pacific, and transit hub of finance and civil aviation, its strategic location could be used as transshipment point for terrorist groups as safe heaven. In addition, with its longstanding international connectivity, Taiwan has been chosen as location of international business firms, their employs and dependents, so as being targets for terrorist groups. Unlike the United States, Taiwan did not have accumulated knowledge in dealing with terrorist attacks. Taiwan’s limited experience is vulnerable to low cost attacks that may create significant psychological consequences. Taiwan should not be self-excluded from global war on terrorism and need to establish sustainable and effective prevention and capability in counter terrorism. Taiwan has taken steps and policy measures against terrorism albeit in early stage compares to other countries. Government agencies should devote more efforts in understanding and analyzing terrorism, and establish its own anti-terrorism institutions.


