  • 學位論文


Remediation of copper-contaminated farmland using waste lemon integrated with soil flushing and stabilization

指導教授 : 范致豪
共同指導教授 : 張尊國(Tsun-Kuo Chang)


本研究之土壤採自桃園市大園區竹圍段崁下小段46地號,為目前被列管之控制場址。我國食用作物農地重金屬銅之管制標準為200 mg/kg,但此場址之土壤銅濃度高達2487 mg/kg,超出食用作物農地之管制標準10倍以上,非常嚴重。本研究目的為探討化學檸檬酸及檸檬萃取液淋洗高濃度銅污染土壤之效果與機制,並評估檸檬萃取液淋洗後之土壤添加檸檬製成之堆肥穩定化後其土壤品質是否符合各項地力標準。 本研究製備之材料有檸檬萃取液及其剩餘檸檬作成之堆肥,檸檬萃取液以重量1:1之蒸餾水與檸檬煮滾後,測得檸檬酸含量約9.9 g/L。以化學檸檬酸配製濃度10 g/L做比較,將淋洗液與土壤以重量固液比1:10淋洗土壤後,得其結果為檸檬萃取液淋洗效果較好,造成此結果之因素有(1)檸檬萃取液淋洗過程中其懸浮微粒被土壤攔截,導致土壤孔隙變小,因此停留時間較久與土壤充分反應及(2)檸檬萃取液裡含有其他可螯合重金屬之成分,例如:類黃銅化合物。 本研究最終得證經檸檬萃取液淋洗後之土壤改善了使用化學檸檬酸淋洗造成土壤酸化之問題及經天然檸檸汁淋洗後添加堆肥穩定化之土壤有效降低了銅之植物有效性。結果表明,原土之pH值為4.56酸性土壤,經檸檬萃取液淋洗後pH值不但沒有下降,甚至上升至5.70,且使用天然檸檬之淋洗後添加堆肥穩定化之土壤能使pH值上升至6.29恢復成弱酸性土壤;原土重金屬銅之植物有效性為677 mg/kg,經檸檬萃取液淋洗後添加堆肥穩定化之土壤能使重金屬銅之植物有效性下降至156 mg/kg。 綜合言之,本研究證明了使用檸檬萃取液不僅能有效去除銅及其他植物不需要之重金屬,且效果比化學檸檬酸好還能改善化學檸檬酸整治造成土壤酸化之問題,且添加堆肥後更能使重金屬穩定化,不易釋出被植物吸收。因此得證結合檸檬酸淋洗法與穩定化法是一有效之整治方法。


重金屬 淋洗 穩定化 檸檬 堆肥 土壤品質


The soil of this study was taken from the No. 46 subsection of Kanjiao section, Zhuwei Vil., Dayuan Dist., Taoyuan City, which is a currently listed control site. The control standard of copper for edible crop agricultural land in Taiwan is 200 mg/kg, but the copper concentration of the soil in this study is as high as 2487 mg/kg, more than 10 times of the control standard. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of synthetic citric acid and the extract from the lemon extract on flushing heavy metal contaminated soil and to evaluate whether the soil quality meets every soil fertility standard after flushing citric acid and adding compost stabilization. The material prepared in this study is the lemon extract and the compost made from lemon extract of the remaining lemon. After broling the mixture of 1:1 weight ratio distilled water, the citric acid content is about 9.9 g/L. Therefore, chemical citric acid of 10 g / L concentration was used as the control group. After flushing soil with the flushing solution of 1:10 solid-liquid ratio, the result showed that the lemon extract has better flushing effect, and the factors contribute to this result are ( І ) Longer natural juice retention time (Ⅱ) Other elements(like flavonols) which can chelate heavy metal contained in lemon extract. The result proved that the soil after flushing lemon extract improve the soil acidification by flushing chemical citric acid and whether the added with compost stabilization after flushing lemon extract the soil met every soil fertility standard. The result showed that the pH of the original soil was 4.56 and the soil added with compost after flush with lemon extract could raise the pH to 6.29 and effectively drop copper plant effectiveness; the plant effectiveness of the heavy metal copper in the original soil is 677 mg/kg, and the soil with compost stabilization after flushing lemon extract can decrease the plant effectiveness of heavy metal copper to 156 mg/kg. In summary, this study proved that using lemon extract not only effectively removed heavy metal with better effect than the chemical citric acid, but also improve the acidification of soil through chemical citric acid addition. Moreover, adding compost can passivate heavy metal not to be easily released. Therefore, the combination of citric acid flushing method and stabilization method is an effective remediation method.


heavy metals flushing stabilization lemon compost soil quality


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