  • 學位論文


Age and Growth of the Taiwan Abalone, Haliotis diversicolor,in Maoaw Bay of the Northeastern Taiwan

指導教授 : 李英周


本研究利用九孔(Haliotis diversicolor)殼鑽孔取粉分析其氧同位素值,並利用氧穩定同位素與溫度呈現逆向關係,再依照溫度所屬月份來判定九孔之年齡。另依照氧穩定同位素變化趨勢尋找九孔外殼對應之輪紋成長帶,以建立外殼輪紋判讀的標準與規則。結果如下,輪紋為一年形成一輪,且與氧穩定同位素呈現良好的對應關係,據此判讀1997-2003年在台灣東北部卯澳灣海域所採集大於1歲所有標本的年齡,再加上小於1歲的九孔以穩定氧同位素分析11顆獲得年齡,並以von Bertalanffy成長方程式Lt=111.15(1-e-0.2575(t+0.6749))套合良好。在綜合花東與東北部海域九孔的成長研究顯示有明顯的緯度梯度效應,緯度較低的海域九孔極限殼長較小而生長係數較大,相反的,緯度較高的東北部海域之極限殼長較大,生長係數較小。另由氧同位素分析推測樣本九孔定著時間大約在前一年的8月至12月之間。


Stable oxygen isotope analyses in shell carbonate from the outer shell layer have been used to validate the periodicity of clearly defined growth rings on the outer shell layer and to estimate the age and growth of the Taiwan abalone, Haliotis diversicolor. Living specimens used in this study were collected in Maoaw Bay of the northeastern Taiwan from 1997 to 2003. The criteria of the external visible shell growth bands were built under the relationship between the stable oxygen isotope and temperature. The results indicated that oxygen isotope analyses can be used to avoid the subjectivity of interpreting external lines, and then to estimate each individual's age. Age determination of more than one growth band of all the specimens have been used annual formation of shell growth bands visible and eleven specimens less than one growth band was determined by stable isotope analysis. Then, the age of all the specimens was determined. The von Bertalanffy growth function was fitted using the size-at-age data. The calculated von Bertalanffy growth equations are Lt=111.15(1-e-0.2575(t+0.6749)) . Comparing the studies in Hualian and Taitung area showed the latitudinal gradient. That is the von Bertalanffy growth parameter values increased with latitude and values are inversely. In addition, the settle down time of the larvae was suggested about from August to December.


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蘇逸樵(2007)。台灣東北部卯澳灣海域白尖紫叢海膽(Echinostrephus aciculatus)骨片生長和年齡決定之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.01996
