  • 學位論文


Plant Regeneration from Immature Floret culture in Dikaryotype M-T-A Hybrids of Lycoris spp.

指導教授 : 許圳塗


原生金花石蒜花型優美切花品質佳,為極具發展潛力的新興夏 季球根花卉,同時為具有多重療效之經濟藥用植物;石蒜之幼年期長 達5-6 年,且自然分球效率低,成為新品種育成與推展之主要限制因 子,本研究主要探討如何以不犧牲母株之方式加速繁殖新雜交品系。 本試驗參試的材料為本實驗室所育成之金花石蒜雙核型雜種, 選系包含金花石蒜×紅花石蒜以及金花石蒜×換錦石蒜。參試品系選用 幼小花進行培養,以幼花被培植體癒合組織發生率較高,可達76.7 %,子房及小花梗次之,生長調節劑組合以2,4-D 2 mg/L 組合BA 10mg/L 誘導逆分化效果較佳,而以10 mg/L NAA 組合BA 10 mg/ L 誘導芽體發生比例較高,可達72.7%。培植體置於上述培養基中16-24 週後可誘導逆分化,將逆分化所得之癒合組織更換至含有0.2 mg/L NAA組合BA 1 mg/ L 之增生培養基中16 週後,可得到相當大量的不定芽,每一幼花被衍生癒合組織約可再生93 芽。 將叢生大量不定芽之再生芽塊進行分切以持續增殖不定芽,處理8 週後參試品系增殖效率可達2.3-6.2 倍。另以直徑0.5-1.3 公分之體外再生小鱗莖為二次培植體,十字分切後置於含0.5 mg/L NAA組合BA 10mg/ L 之MS 培養基12 週,每一小鱗莖平均可得125 芽。 小鱗莖內部之幼葉加以利用,經2 mg/L NAA 組合BA 10 mg/ L 之處 理12 週後,平均可再增殖15.9 芽。 取0.1-0.5 公分之不定芽置放於含1mg/L NAA 組合BA 1mg/ L培養基中,存活率可達90%以上,若不定芽高度大於1 公分者,置於不含生長調節劑之培養基中,存活率可達100%。使用低濃度ABA可減緩組培苗生長速率,並抑制小鱗莖發根,小鱗莖可在繼代至不含ABA 培養基4 週後回復正常生長。 取鱗莖直徑為0.1-0.2 公分的小芽置於蔗糖濃度為90 g/L 的液 體培養基中,處理8 週後鱗莖直徑可達0.7 公分。將鱗莖直徑0.5-0.8公分小鱗莖更換至含有0.5 mg/L NAA 之發根培養基,8 週後可形成完整根系並達可移植出瓶大小。小植株移植出瓶後存活率可達90% 以上,出瓶12 週後葉片數可達3.6-5.2 枚,相當於一般實生苗種植 後3 年可達之葉片數。


鱗片培養 幼花培養 石蒜


Lycoris aurea indigenous to Taiwan has been grown for cut flower trade. Lycoris species also have high economic value for their medicinal alkaloids. They require four to five cycles from seed to flower, and propagation rate is restrained in nature. The purpose of this research was to developed a method for propagation of dikaryotype M-T-A hybrids of Lycoris spp. Experimental materials are dikaryotype M-T-A hybrids of Lycoris spp., including of L.aurea×L.radiata 2n=18(4M+3T+11A) and L.aurea × L.sprengeri 2n=18(4M+3T+11A). Immature floret segments were used for callus and adventitious buds initiation. Callus formed on the medium supplemented with 2,4-D 2 mg/L and 10 mg/ L BA, and the immature perianth explants produced more callus than ovary or pedicle. Adventitious buds formed on the medium with NAA 10 mg/L and 10 mg/ L BA and 2,4-D 2 mg/L and 10 mg/ L BA . More adventitious buds formed when subculture on the medium with low NAA and BA. Explants on the preculture medium sixteen to twenty-four weeks and then subculture to the medium with NAA 0.2 mg/L and 1 mg/ L BA sixteen weeks ninety-three buds formed from immature perianth-derived Shoot cluster were cut into several segments and were used for bud proliferation, and the multiplication rate were 2.3-6.2. In vitro-grown bulblets which diameter are 5-13 mm were cut into four segments used for adventitious buds initiation. One hundred and twenty-five buds formation from scale culture of one bulblet on the medium with 0.5 mg/L NAA and 10mg/L BA. Fifteen buds formed from immature leaf explants on the medium with 0.2 mg/L NAA and 10 mg/L BA. The survival rate of bud is higher than 90% on the medium with 1 mg/L NAA and 1mg/L BA. The survival rate of buds which bigger than 1 cm is 100% on the medium with no plant growth regulator. The ABA treatment inhibited new leaf emergence and root formation after four weeks of culture. Subculture to ABA-free medium give rise leaf emergence and root formation. After culture in liquid medium with 90 g/L sucrose eight weeks, bulblet grew well to a size of 7 mm. Root system formed after subcultured on the medium with 0.5 mg/L NAA eight weeks. The survival rate of plantlets is more than 90%. Plantlets grew well and three to Five leaves formation after transplant.


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陳茜庭(2010)。異源四倍體LO及LA百合微體繁殖、組培苗促成栽培 及其生育評估〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.00486
