  • 學位論文


The Use of New Types of Plant Growth Substances on the Cultivation of Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. and Phaseolus vulgaris L.

指導教授 : 張喜寧


本文應用根毛促進劑(根毛王)處理番茄小苗,種入田土後,再用根毛王、疾病預防劑(OHYA-2號)及產量促進劑(嘉貝好)處理植株,結果顯示,施用根毛王2,000倍至3,000倍對‘FMTT 906’ 、‘農友 301’、 ‘新光’ 、‘大明珠’及 ‘聯珠’等番茄品種,可有效地促進其幼苗生育,特別是地下部,其根群緊密度及根群大小皆較對照組佳,但對於‘翠紅’番茄品種則無顯著之生長促進效果。同時施用根毛王後可顯著地誘導根毛的大量發生。在苗期施用2000倍根毛王,可提高‘FMTT 906’番茄定植後對立枯病(Damping-off, Rhizoctonia solani)的抗性27%。苗期已處理根毛王,且定植後也加以施用根毛王及疫防射2號或是根毛王及嘉貝好處理者,其總產量可比對照組提升近80%以上,主要係因產果數之顯著增加所致。以此三類植物生長素處理者,對‘FMTT 906’番茄果實之糖度、果實大小及果壁厚度影響不顯著。在試驗期間,所有番茄植株並未發生病害,顯示疫防射2號的施用具有預防病害發生之效果,建議藥劑處理對番茄植株抗病性的誘導應值得持續觀察。 ‘農友早生’菜豆穴盤苗試驗,在苗期施用根毛王稀釋1,000X及疫防射7號2,000X對其幼苗生育最具生長促進效果,特別是地下部鮮重,施用根毛王及疫防射7號分別可比對照組提升近25%及9%。而苗期施用水楊酸稀釋1,000X至3,000X則對此菜豆穴盤苗有毒害現象產生。淹水1天之結果顯示,可於淹水前1天施用1,000倍根毛王或2000倍OHYA-7號,結莢率可比淹水對照組高出2-4倍。淹水2天以上,則需提前至3-5天施用藥劑。建議在乾旱逆境前3-5天施用1,000倍根毛王,可減少乾旱逆境後期菜豆葉片中的丙二醛含量及維持較高的相對含水量,同時對結莢率也有些微助益。水分逆境後施用藥劑則對生長較無顯著幫助。


番茄 菜豆 植物生長素 栽培


Except‘Tropical Ruby’tomato seedlings, Lysine # 3 (diluted 2,000-3,000X) could significantly increase growth rate for ‘FMTT 906’, ‘Farmer 301’, ‘New Brilliant’,‘Bright Pearl’and‘Sugar Pearl’tomato seedlings. Such as root density and root size were increased than the control seedling, and number of root hairs were induced by Lysine # 3 treatment.‘FMTT 906’seedlings treated with 2,000X Lysine # 3 , showed that the percentage of resistance against Damping-off (Rhizoctonia solani) was increased 27% after planting into field soil than the control seedlings. Lysine # 3 treated seedlings, and seedlings treated with Lysine # 3 and OHYA-2 or Lysine # 3 and Early Harvest after planting into field soil , increased up to 80% of total fruit yield than control plants. No diseases occurred during planting period, so preventive effect of OHYA-2 on plant diseases was possible. It was suggested that disease resistance of tomato by application of these type of plant growth substances should be further conducted. Growth rates of‘Early Bush’snap bean plug-grown seedlings were significantly increased by treatments of Lysine # 3 (diluted 1,000X) and OHYA-7 (diluted 2,000X). Root fresh weights were increased 25% and 9% respectively, than the control seedlings. Salicylic acid (diluted 1,000-3,000X) treatment showed toxicity to snap bean seedlings. Flooding 1 day, treated with diluted 1,000X of Lysine # 3 and 2,000X of OHYA-7, the total pod number of‘Early Bush’snap bean was higher than the flooding control for 2-4 folds. If flooding for 2 days and longer, it’s needed to apply PGS before 3-5 days of flooding. It was suggested that treated with diluted 1,000X of Lysine # 3 before 3-5 days of drought stress, could decrease the malondialdehyde(MDA) content and higher relative water content of snap bean leaf and a little enhancement of total pod number. But if Lysine # 3 was applied after water stress, then no growth enhancement could be resulted.


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