  • 學位論文


The Reasearch of the Chapters and Sections for Building Construction Plan

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


成功的工程需要圓滿達成進度如期、品質如式、成本如度、環境如常及安全無虞的五大目標。業主與監造單位除根據合約、規範、圖說外,在施工過程中便是依據承商所提之施工計畫書,作為督導承商施工之依據。但目前國內並無明確訂定施工計畫書應涵蓋之內容,中央與地方規定不一且所規定之內容較為簡略,若無經驗之承商恐難提出嚴謹之施工計畫,或是有心投機者,鑽此漏洞,對施工計畫內容避重就輕,對日後工程進行將造成影響。 本研究主要範圍鎖定在建築工程(包含集合式住宅、辦公大樓、醫院、學校、體育館、廠房等),希望針對建築工程提出其整體施工計畫應包含之內容,將進度、成本、品質、環境保護、安全衛生等各項要點之管制作為與執行方法均納入考量,廠商得以根據規劃內容提出完整施工計畫並確實執行必要活動,主管單位、主辦單位與監造單位亦有督導考核施工廠商的明確依據,以期預見問題並防範問題發生於未然。由於過去國內各機關並無統一之相關規定,本次研究則透過資料搜集、法規研究、案例分析、專家學者訪談等方式,歸納整理整體施工計畫書之架構,並實際發放問卷至各單位進行調查,並以兩階段發放,確定章節內容之重要性。其次,希望探討影響施工計畫書內容架構之影響因子,並進一步建立影響因子所對應之架構內容,以提供相關使用單位參考。 本研究之內容與成果可以具體提供相關使用單位訂建築工程施工計畫書章節架構之範本,亦可同時做為國內業界擬訂工程施工計畫之參考。


Successful construction projects require the achievement of on time completion, quality assurance as planned, cost control as targeted, safety environment and well protected on people and neighborhood. Besides the contracts and specifications, the client and the supervision consultant would be able to check construction works by the construction plan. But in Taiwan, there has no definite standard to tell us what should be written? Besides, the government and the country have different laws and the laws are so simple, the opportunist may find a loophole in the law, or the general contractor who has no experience may not write a complete construction plan. In this research, the main purpose is to establish the chapters and the sections include the fellowing important items such as schedule, cost, quality, environment and safty for building projects (such as residential condominium, office building, commercial building, hospital, school, factory, etc.).The contractor could follow the construction plan to do all works, and the client and supervision consultant could use the construction plan to verify the contractor if they do the right works or not. Due to the lack of standard requirements of construction plan in the past, this research integrates the major items from information collection, public laws analysis, past historical case study and interviewing. Then it uses two phase questionnaires and exact statistical data analysis to quantify individual opinion of each item which they cared objectively. This research also wants to investigate the influence factor for the construction plan and establish the correspondind chapters and sections to supply a reference for the user. The conclusion and suggestion of this research could be used as one of the major references and guideline for the government to further develop “Manual of Construction Planning for the Public Works”, and also will serve as one of the reference in doing the construction planning for all construction related business chain enterprises and organizations.


3.行政院公共工程委員會「公共建設工程經費估算編列手冊 」
5.行政院公共工程委員會「監造計畫製作綱要 」
4.行政院公共工程委員會「品質計畫製作綱要 」


