  • 學位論文


Competitive advantage analysis and strategy research to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) industry

指導教授 : 陳靜枝
共同指導教授 : 陳文賢(Wen-Shien Chen)


平衡計分卡探討內部差異化流程的價值,包括產品創新、基礎管理與客戶關係。以產品的生命週期定義無線射頻識別產業目前處在市場初始導入期,而在此一時期,價格並不是市場接受與否的主要決定因素,相對的,產品創新所帶來的差異化 - 包含技術的創新,產品推出領先市場同業,解決方案的競爭優勢,以及策略型客戶的驗證與背書,反而決定了這個時期市場參賽者的競爭優勢。 本論文以無線射頻識別 (RFID)產業目前的產業生命週期位置,定義平衡計分卡的領先指標,來對應說明並探查資源、能力、競爭優勢與平衡計分卡之間的關係。並以二個個案 - 東方海外與美強生 - 的實證結果驗證本論文研究架構的可行性。 同樣的道理,當產業與產品處在市場不同的階段或是採用不同的商業模式與競爭策略時,平衡計分卡的領先指標設定也應有所不同。在第5章討論的商業模式與競爭策略,可以更清處的說明本論文平衡計分卡的領先指標設定,是以藍海策略為商業模式發展的依據,並有別於紅海策略。 面對無法阻擋的全球化產業競爭態勢,台灣產業界正處於一個向上提升或是原地踏步的重要轉捩點,藍海策略提供了一個全新的策略思考方向。本論文亦以波特的五力模型與價值鏈研究為基礎,對以無線射頻識別產業有企圖心的台灣產業提出價值定位與市場切入方式建議。


Balance Score Card (BSC) digagnoses the differentiation values of internal management procress associated with the product innovation, the infrastructure management and the customer relationship. Baes upon the product life cycle point of view, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) industry belongs to the early adoption stage at the moment. Therefore, the price is not the critical driving factor for RFID industry players but the product innovation. The product innovation bringing in features and functions enhancement as well as the the early adoption clients taking advancateg of the new technology as the core competience matters the competitive advantage of RFID industry players today. The thesis clarifies the market stage of the RFID industry today, defines the leading index of RFID industry players based on Balance Score Card (BSC) model, analyzes the competitive advantage matrix of forty-seven RFID industry players worldwide, besides, proposes two cases study to verify the research framework of the thesis. Not only is the same research framework applied to the industries belonging to the market early adoption stage such as RFID but also applied to the remaining market stages, however, the leading index needs the customization tuning associated to in terms of the value proposition of the industry players stand - differentiation value strategy or low price stragety. Since the globalization is the undefensive trend, Taiwan stands at the cross road of the new value proposition adoption - to stick in the “red ocean strategy” world or transform upto to the “blue ocean strategy” ? The thesis also proposes Taiwan hi-tech industry the recommendation to penetrate RFID industry when the Taiwan player is interested to.


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