  • 學位論文


An Innovative Business Model of Coffee Franchises

指導教授 : 游張松


台灣咖啡市場的消費人口與日俱增,滿街林立的連鎖咖啡館成長速度更是驚人,2007年版「十大金磚企業」的第十名,即為快速崛起於咖啡連鎖市場的美食達人-café 85℃,都顯示了台灣咖啡市場無窮的潛力與吸引力。 台灣連鎖咖啡館雖然具有高度發展空間,但急遽成長也帶來白熱化的競爭,業者不斷的提升產品與服務品質,現今喝咖啡不再只是品嘗產品本身風味,已逐漸成為現代的一種休閒方式,同時象徵一種文化,因此本研究認為可藉此市場需求建立一個嶄新的創新經營模式。首先,在研究中分析策略定位,以導入高性能全自動化咖啡生產設備,強調精準控制與高品質,並提升精緻咖啡文化主題風格、結合全面e化個人服務之訴求,環繞著顧客價值創造建立此一創新經營模式。 其中,關鍵的e化要素即為RFID技術的應用導入,近年來RFID技術掀起一陣熱潮,被廣泛地應用在各種領域,包括物流、門禁管制、圖書館、智慧卡等,本研究亦以RFID技術應用於兼具儲值功能的顧客id卡,利用RFID晶片紀錄顧客消費,建置顧客系統資料庫,將創新模式以顧客為中心導向,配合顧客價值採取多重定價策略與提昇整體附加服務,創造新興連鎖咖啡館之品牌形象及效益。 本研究針對連鎖咖啡館市場機會建立一嶄新創業模式,其將具有以下特色: 1. 強調精準全自動化設備,兼具高品質與快速效率 2. 融合精緻時尚與歐式經典咖啡文化之品牌形象 3. 以個人化RFID卡片內容及顧客服務,建立顧客價值尊榮感 4. 藉由降低人力技術需求與採用多重定價,達到成本結構效益


While the coffee consumption market in Taiwan is rising day after day, coffee franchises are springing up astonishingly. Taking “café 85℃” for instance, its dainty cake and coffee rose abruptly among the coffee franchises market. According to the latest list of “Top Ten Golden Businesses” published during 2007, “café 85℃” is on the list. These facts have shown the boundless potential and attraction of coffee market in Taiwan. Although there is much room for coffee franchises’ development, the mushroomed stores will also lead to white-hot competition. As the marketers keep on improving the quality of products and services, having a cup of coffee is more than tasting a cup of coffee nowadays. It represents a culture and a leisure activity so that we could hold this need to build an innovative business model. First, analyze the strategic position in this study. In addition, the innovative business model is planning to adobe the fully-automated, precise-control and high-quality coffee-making equipment. The elegant and modern style blending with the classical coffee culture is emphasized. These all along with carrying through personalizaton e-service come to build the innovative business model. The key element of e-service is introduced by RFID technology. RFID has caused a fever in recent years. It has a wide use in all aspects, for example, logistics, entrance guard system, libraries, and smart cards. The RFID chips in this thesis will keep track of each consumption record, databases, and provide convenient payment. As a consequence, this innovative business model spotlights on customers, as well as tries to promote the multiple pricing strategy and personalized service based on customer value. The innovative business model for coffee franchises is founded on a new strategy position and applications of RFID technology. Its features may be concluded as follows: 1.Emphasize high-quality production and fast service through precise-control and fully-automated coffee-making equipment. 2.The brand image of the classical coffee culture blending with the elegant and modern style. 3.Establish the dignitaries and value of the customer through RFID card, personal content and personalied service. 4.The benefit of cost structure by reducing the labor skill prerequisite and promote the multiple pricing strategy.


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7.Atlanta. 9 June 2004.
