  • 學位論文

預臭氧結合生物處理TFT-LCD有機廢水之研究 -以四甲基氫氧化銨(TMAH)為例

A Study of Using Ozone Promoting Biological Treatment to Treat The TFT-LCD Wastewater, and TMAH

指導教授 : 於幼華


結合化學氧化及生物處理法來處理難分解或具抑制性之有機物污染物為一值得期待的方法。對於微生物有毒害或抑制性及難分解性的廢水,可藉由預先的化學氧化程序而產生生物較易分解的中間產物,因而提升後續生物處理的能力。   本研究主要為探討結合高級氧化方式輔以生物方法處理TFT-LCD實廠之有機廢水,及Array製程中之主要化學物質-四甲基氫氧化銨(TMAH)之可行性。研究中所使用之預化學氧化方式為半連續式臭氧氧化,生物處理程序是採用批次式及連續式的好氧活性污泥系統。   由實驗結果得知,TFT-LCD實廠廢水中之COD值有被低估之可能;此外,針對馴養及未馴養之污泥進行BOD5實驗發現,其來源不同會導致實驗結果之差異,可能造成生物處理單元對目標化合物及目標廢水處理能力評估之誤差;比較攝氧率與BOD5之實驗結果,就植種所造成之影響層面來看,具有相同之趨勢,在產業界之現場應用上,OUR可取代BOD5作為快速評估生物處理單元效用之指標。本研究亦針對實廠廢水及預臭氧化之實廠廢水馴養兩種污泥,藉以比較預臭氧結合生物處理程序之短期、長期處理情況,經由PCR-DGGE之分析得知預臭氧程序會造成生物相之改變;就TMAH而言,以連續式預臭氧程序處理TMAH之初期,可發現此程序促進生物處理的量約較原來(未預臭氧化)高出約30%;針對實廠廢水而言,在以預臭氧程序處理之初期,反而造成處理成效之減低;然而就長遠來看,經過污泥之適應後,反而有益整體處理程序效果之提昇。   經由純臭氧化反應、生物處理程序、與預臭氧結合生物處理程序等實驗結果相比較,印證生物處理較單純臭氧之反應更具經濟效益,且使用預臭氧程序有助於提昇生物處理之能力。


Combining the chemical oxidation process and biological treatment process together to treat the recalcitrant or inhibitory organic pollutants is a well-known technology. Pre-oxidation processes will oxidize the organic pollutants to much more biodegradable byproducts so as to favor the following biological processes. This study focused on pre-ozonation enhancing the ability of biological treatment in treating the TFT-LCD wastewater and TMAH. But also, using different sludge domesticated by TFT-LCD wastewater and pre-ozonated TFT-LCD wastewater to compare between the short-term and long-term treatment effects. Firstly, the parameter of COD might underestimate the pollution of TFT-LCD wastewater, which is not a suitable indicator for accessing the efficiency of the biological treatment. Comparing with the result from OUR and BOD5 have the same tendency, that OUR could replace BOD5 as a indicator for fast accessing the ability of biological treatment unit. For TMAH, the pre-ozonation process could improve more than 30% efficiency in biological treatment process, comparing to non-pre-ozonation biological process. For TFT-LCD wastewater, in short-term consideration, pre-ozonation would inhibit the ability of biological process. But in long-term consideration, the pre-ozonation process would improve the overall treatment efficiency. Finally, this study also tried using ozone to mineralize TMAH and TFT-LCD wastewater. The result shows that the biological treatment especially with pre-ozonation process is more efficient in economy than AOPs.


TFT-LCD TMAH AOPs Pre-ozonation Biological treatment


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