  • 學位論文

台灣國二學生數學學習成就之相關因素研究:以TIMSS 2007問卷為例

Related Factors of Mathematics Achievement: From Taiwan 8th Grade Students’ Data in TIMSS 2007

指導教授 : 翁秉仁


本研究使用我國於2007年進行TIMSS測驗的4046名國中二年級學生為樣本,藉由TIMSS相關問卷資料,主要以積差相關分析、因素分析及結構方程模式等統計方法,一方面探討台灣國中二年級學生在其數學成就表現上,相關的影響因素以及具有重要或關鍵影響力的部分,另一方面從家庭背景、個人學習以及學校教學三個層面,建構一個適當的因素模式,進行適配度考驗與因果關係的模式驗證,並檢視該模式在學生數學學習成就上的可解釋程度。 本研究的主要發現如下: (一)在本研究所探討的家庭背景因素當中,以「學生對自己的教育期望」影響其數學學習成就的程度最大,其次為「家中所擁有的書籍數量」、及「父母親的最高教育程度」。 (二)在本研究所探討的個人學習因素當中,對學生的數學學習成就之影響程度高低,依序為「學生對於自己本身的數學能力及學習數學時的自信程度」、「學習數學時的興趣與不排斥的程度」、「學生認為學習數學對其個人生活、未來目標達成的重要性」。 (三)在本研究所探討的學校教學因素當中,以「學校學生平均的家庭背景」、「上課班級的規模大小」與「學校所在地區的人口數」三者,對於學生數學學習成就的影響最大。 (四)以本研究建構的因素模式而言,與2007年樣本資料適配情形良好,而且該模式對於台灣國二學生的數學學習成就之整體解釋度約為62%。 (五)整體而言,以家庭背景資源、及學生個人的學習特質,對於學生數學學習成就的影響最大,至於學校背景與教師教學因素的影響程度較低。


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between students’ mathematics achievement and some related factors, including family factors, individual factors, and school factors. Besides, a factor model relating students’ mathematics achievement was constructed further. This was a secondary analysis of data from Taiwan’s eighth grade students in TIMSS 2007, and the sample consisted of 4046 participants. The main statistical methods applied to this study are Pearson’s product-moment correlation, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM). The major findings of this study are described as follows. 1.Among the family factors discussed in this study, the major effects on students’ mathematics achievement are “self-expectation about education level”, “the amount of books in home’, and “highest education level of either parent”. 2.Among the individual factors discussed in this study, the importance to students’ mathematics achievement are ranked as “self-confidence in learning mathematics”, “positive attitude toward mathematics”, and “values and motivations about mathematics”. 3.Among the school factors discussed in this study, the major effects on students’ mathematics achievement are “the percentage of students come from economically disadvantaged/affluent homes”, “class size”, and “the number of people within the school district”. 4.Regarding the proposed factor model, most goodness of fit indices demonstrated an acceptable fit with the Taiwan sample in TIMSS 2007. And about 62% of total variance of achievement can be accounted for by the factors in this model. 5.As a whole, the family and individual factors have the relatively major effects on students’ mathematics achievement in contrast with the school factors.


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