  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the Effect on the Health Management by Applying Information Technology:an Experience from the Weight Management Outpatient Service in a Healthcare Center

指導教授 : 莊裕澤


體重控制不良導致肥胖進而影響健康,一直是現今社會不斷面臨的難題,發生的原因包括食慾無法控制、高熱量、高膽固醇、低纖維西化飲食及較靜態的生活形態,導致多餘的熱量以脂肪形式儲存等,引發體重控制不良,伴隨著肥胖而來的問題與疾病日益嚴重,如此對社會與經濟造成許多負面的衝擊。文獻上記載,目前坊間可以見到各式各樣、琳瑯滿目的減肥方法,包括使用減肥藥物、減重器材、中醫針灸埋線、減肥代餐乃至於各種外科手術等,然而運用這些方式經常會產生許多副作用及併發症,而且容易復胖進而導致減重失敗。 因此本研究目的主要在探討如何透過新型態資訊科技的運用,設計發展出一個新的減重模式-資訊科技雞尾酒減重療法,並研究是否確實可以利用該系統,建立有效、成功與永續的減重模式,達到健康體重管理的目的,並預期讓想減重或是遭遇減重瓶頸的個案,在減重課程結束或成功減重後仍然維持理想體重的健康生活模式,進而改善各項身體生化檢驗指標,以延緩疾病的發生。 本研究利用病歷回顧方式,並通過人體試驗委員核可准許進行研究,期待藉此了解到院減重者的成效與健康管理的永續性,以作為日後減重醫療服務健康管理推動與改善之依據。研究結果發現透過資訊科技雞尾酒減重療法的課程模式,資訊組有顯著的減重成果,且效果優於傳統減重組,包括明顯的體重減輕、BMI、體脂量、體脂率和BMR下降,且隨著減重時間的增加,資訊組個案的腰圍亦顯著縮小,生化檢驗值方面,資訊組減重後LDL-C比起傳統組明顯的下降,減重八週後,總膽固醇與三酸甘油脂的生化檢驗值,亦顯著的降低。另外規律使用隨身碟式計步器記錄定時存取運動狀況紀錄,並確實做到利用資訊平台系統觀測紀錄即時活動量、運動量變化與間接紀錄卡路里消耗者,其減重的成果越好,且回饋系統頻率越高,其減重效益更勝一籌。 總之,本研究推論,善用新型態資訊科技應該能有效提升個案的減重成果,並能提供維繫個案減重的意願與動力,養成規律的運動習慣、正確的選擇飲食與,達到永續成功的體重控制之目的。


Obesity and its associated health problems due to inabilities to control the weight have constantly remained a challenging issue. According to the statement, various factors shared responsibility for obesity, including failure to control the appetite, high-calorie, high-cholesterol and low-fiber diet, as well as a sedentary lifestyle. On the other hand, those health problems could pose a negative impact not only socially but economically. Numerous ways of weight reduction have been brought to light, including pills, workouts, acupuncture, replacement meals and surgeries. However, those methods frequently lead to side effects as well as complications. In addition, gaining weight later is not uncommon. With the application of information technology, this study aims at developing a new IT cocktail model of losing weight and evaluating whether this model can provide a practical means for effective weight reduction and sustainable health management. The capability to maintain the ideal weight on a long-term basis helps decrease the occurrence of diseases and improve certain parameters such as physical fitness and health. By reviewing medical records, this study intends to understand the current operative model and its sustainability in the weight loss clinic and hopes to bring improvement on the clinical practice. Compare to the traditional groups, the results demonstrate that information technology group loss more weight, BMI, body fat mass, BMR and biomarkers such as LDL-C (p<0.05). After the 8-week IT program, the results also show significant decrease in cholesterol and triglyceride level. The effectiveness of weight loss is high correlation with the frequency of applying information technology. In summary, this new model– IT cocktail model really can provide a practical means for effective weight reduction and sustainable health management.


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