  • 學位論文


Predicament and Countermeasure of the withdrawal of Shida Night Market from residential area─ based on the analysis by stakeholder governance model.

指導教授 : 趙永茂


文人墨客筆下富涵深厚巷弄文化的師大文教社區,在市府、媒體的積極行銷下,一躍成為國際知名的觀光夜市。當市府仍陶醉於掌聲與鎂光燈的同時,師大夜市卻爆發了全國矚目的住商衝突,市府也才尷尬的發現,之前大力輔導行銷的師大夜市,居然大部分商家都位於住宅區,且一半以上的商家都違反土地使用分區管制的規定。在依法行政的原則下,市府理應立即順應師大三里里民「違法商家退出我家」的訴求,依《都計法》規定裁罰觸法者,但市府的處置作為卻左支右絀,似是失了方寸而搖擺不定。由於筆者身為師大夜市所在選區的市議員,對師大夜市住商衝突事件引發了研究的興趣與動機,因而在趙永茂教授、劉坤億教授、王宏文教授等三位老師的指導下擬定本研究,冀望以利害關係人治理模式為研究途徑分析師大夜市退出住宅區的困境與對策。 在世界政治思潮演進及民主先進國家已累積的豐富經驗下,「治理」、「地方治理」、「網絡治理」、「公民參與」、「利害關係人」與「審議式民主」等理論內涵也日益豐富,不僅符合本研究的需求,且為本研究提供堅實又具有相當可操作性的理論基礎,因而被本研究所大量運用。此外,基於研究需要,筆者還結合實務,回顧了「都市計畫」、「土地使用」、「夜市管理」的相關法規和現況,以及參閱大量市政府及市議會的歷史文獻。 筆者在本研究過程中發現,市府的政策產出確實深受多元利害關係人及行為者基於自利動機的角力運作影響。在師大夜市巷弄文化廣受讚美揄揚時,市府致力行銷;當居民們奮起自救,要求市府取締違法商家後,市府宣示依法行政的決心,嚴修《台北市政府處理建築物及其基地違反都市計畫法第79條第1項裁處作業程序》並對部分商家開罰;迨商家集結媒體、房東、投資客、房仲業者、學者、文化人反撲,要求「共存共榮」、「就地合法」後,市府復推出「記點制」三原則「依情節、分階段、漸進式」因應;「記點制」推出之後已逾一年,市府仍在多元利害關係人和行為者的角力下左右為難、政策方向不明。 本研究除驗證市府的政策產出確實深受多元利害關係人及行為者影響外,還發現《台北市土地使用分區管制自治條例》在住宅區允許使用和附條件允許使用的規定太過寬鬆,大量的商業行為侵入住宅區,使得住宅區和商業區幾無差異。且台北市的「社區參與」與「公民參與」機制嚴重不足,使居民們難以在體制內維護生活環境和居住品質;此外,夜市治理的紊亂及怠於執法,亦助長土地使用的住商混亂,更讓地下勢力有機可乘,介入夜市管理。 基於前述的研究發現,筆者對台北市政府做出下列政策建議: 一、 住商混合制度應建立「相容性指標」標準,加入社區參與機制並考慮改採負面表列。 二、 廢止1998年市府組織編制小組第四次會議決議回歸法制並明訂土地使用分區為申請商業許可之強制審查要件。 三、 夜市及商圈之管理需專法與專責機關,並考慮合併市場處與商業處。 四、 建立保存「巷弄文化」的機制,避免因行銷而日漸消失。 五、 迅速制定「台北市公民參與自治條例」以提升市民參與公共事務的動機與誘因。 六、 加強市府官員民主治理的專業知能教育。 師大夜市的住商衝突,被師大三里里民自救會定義為「民國百年之市民起義」,也勢必將被廣泛研究。礙於筆者學養所限,雖不敢冀望本研究可以藏諸名山,但在力求研究的深度與廣度方面,筆者確已竭盡全力,敬俟方家。


The Shida Neighborhood under the words of writers and artists is an area teeming with its own “alleyway culture.” With the help of eager marketing from Taipei City Government and media, it was brought up to become a sight-seeing night market known to the global society. However, while Taipei City Government was still bathing in the limelight and credits, the Shida Night market incident struck Taiwan with a serious conflict between the residents and the local business. It was a rude awakening for Taipei City Government to realize the model sight-seeing spot spanned mostly over the residential district, with more than half of the businesses violating the related zoning ordinances. Following the principle of “Regulation according to law”, Taipei City Government should immediately respond to the residents’ appeal of “rooting out the illegitimate business” by citing the Urban Planning Act to inflict punishments upon the local businesses; yet the Government danced around the issue by changing their instructions repeatedly. Being one of the elected representatives of this electoral district, I was deeply intrigued by the Shida Night Market conflicts, therefore motivated to begin the case study. With the guidance of Prof. Yung-Mau Chao, Prof. Kun-yi Liu and Prof. Hong-wen Wang, the research aims to analyze the Shida Neighborhood Conflicts in the fashion of Governance of Stakeholders, with an expect to give some insight to the resolution of the plight. With the evolution of ideological trend in politics and the experiences of the democratic countries, theories involving the idea of “governance,” “local governance,” “citizen participation,” “stakeholder” and “deliberative democracy” have been researched and developed to a myriad level. These theories are not only in accordance with the requirements of the research, but also serve as a feasible and sound basis; therefore these theories are frequently applied in the case study. In addition, regulations and current status documents concerning “urban planning,” “zoning” and “market management” as well as many historical documents from Taipei City Government and Taipei City Council are referred to in the research. My years of experience in politics as people’s representative serve as a solid foundation to incorporate the myriad theories and documentation mentioned above. During my research, I came to the conclusion of Taipei City Government’s policies being immensely influenced by multiple stakeholders and sctors’ wrestling, which are mostly founded by self-interests. When the Shida area’s “culture within narrow alleys” is broadly praised by the public, Taipei City Government proudly promoted it. Later, after the residents demanded for banning the illegitimate businesses, Taipei City Government suddenly declared its determination toward “regulation according to law,” and made amendments to the “Penalty Procedure on Violation of the Urban Planning Act, Article 79, Section 1” and started fining some of the businesses. However, when the businesses gathered media, landlords, investors, real estate companies and scholars to claim for “co-existence and legalization of local business,” Taipei City Government put out a “merit system” based on three principles: ”seriousness,” “steps” and “gradual”. Now that the “merit system” is coming to the end of its first year, Taipei City Government still holds no firm opinion nor policy toward the issue due to the stakeholders and actors’ wrestling and clashing interests. This research examins the influences made by stakeholders and actors upon Taipei City Government’s decision-making. On the other hand, this case study also concludes with the fact that the regulations mentioned in “Taipei City Zoning and self-governed Land Use Ordinance” are not strict enough, which results in the status quo of commerce invading the residential district, making no separation between business districts and residential districts. What’s more, Taipei City currently lacks a well-rounded system for citizen participation and community participation, leaving citizens no legal channel of negotiation to protect their surroundings and living quality. In addition, the lack of law enforcement and regulations of night markets can also be accounted for the disorder of night market areas and the invading of local gangsters. My suggestions to Taipei City Government are as follows: I. A "compatibility index" standard should be established for the commercial and residential mixed-use system, complete with methods for community participation and clear indications for things to be banned. II. Revoke the resolution reached in 1998 at the 4th meeting of the city government's organizing committee, return to the legal system, and stipulate that the category of land use should be a mandatory criterion for applying for a commercial permit. III. Night markets and commercial districts should be governed by specific laws and government agencies. Also, the future merger of Taipei City Market Administration Office and Taipei City Office of Commerce should be taken into consideration. IV. Establish a mechanism to preserve the “alleyway culture” so that it won't fade away due to marketing. V. Enact as soon as possible the "Statutes of Participation and Autonomy for Citizens in Taipei” to offer incentives and motivation for the enhancement of citizens' participating in public affairs. VI. Enhance professional training for city officials in their related fields and in democratic governance. The Shida Night Market incident is coined by the Shida Neighborhood Self-help Association as “the People’s Uprising on Taiwan Centennial”. And therefore, the details of the incident will be extensively studied. It is a humbling experience for me to strive to provide insights into the Shida Night Market incident. Having said that, I have made every effort I could to present the dynamics as the case unwinds.


