  • 學位論文

日本語教育のためのオノマトペ研究 ―教科書分析を中心に―

Onomatopoeia research for Japanese language education -A focus on textbook analysis-

指導教授 : 林慧君


日語中擬聲語與擬態語的使用頻率相當高,但是在現行的日語教育中,擬聲語與擬態語似乎卻沒這麼備受重視。在這樣的情況之下,日語學習者要學習擬聲語與擬態語是件相當困難的事。因此,要是在日文的初級階段時就能開始學習的話,對日語學習者來說學習擬聲語與擬態語的難度是不是就能降低呢?這個疑問就是本研究的出發點。   為了在日文的初級階段時就導入擬聲語與擬態語,本研究以選出容易跟擬聲語與擬態語共起的動詞為目標,並針對日文教科書與NINJAL-LWP for BCCWJ語料庫進行調查。首先,調查日本、台灣以及韓國的日語教科書後發現,教科書中的擬聲語與擬態語相當不足。同時,也調查日語母語者所使用的國小國語教科書,比較與分析了日語教科書跟國小國語教科書之間在與擬聲語、擬態語共起動詞的差異。此外,利用NINJAL-LWP for BCCWJ語料庫,調查與擬聲語、擬態語共起的動詞。最後,根據調查的結果,本研究選出較容易與176個擬聲語、擬態語共起的初級動詞。   若能加以活用本研究所提供的擬聲語、擬態語共起動詞表,而進一步使日語學習者降低對擬聲語與擬態語的抗拒,實為莫大的榮幸。


While onomatopoeia are common in Japanese and all levels of Japanese language, the traditional way of teaching Japanese to foreign language learners does not include many onomatopoeia. Due to this, many Japanese learners often find it difficult to learn and understand Japanese onomatopoeia. The focal question of this thesis is whether teaching onomatopoeia on a beginner’s level would lower the perceived difficulty by Japanese language students and how to include it effectively in said teaching. In order to develop a new Japanese onomatopoeia education format for foreign learners, this paper aim to select easily taught onomatopoeia and related verbs, partly by analyzing NINJAL-LWP for BCCWJ corpus. This paper also examine the presence of onomatopoeia in Japanese textbooks for foreign learners in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, and Japanese language textbooks for Japanese elementary students, analyzing the frequency of onomatopoeia and the relationship presented between onomatopoeia and their related verbs in respective textbook. Furthermore, following the finding of this research, this paper presents 176 onomatopoeia and their related verbs suitable for beginner’s level Japanese learners. Focusing on the relationship between onomatopoeia and verbs, this paper argue that onomatopoeia should be taught together with related verbs for increased effectiveness when teaching Japanese.


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