  • 學位論文


The Seduction Community in Taiwan: Teaching and Learning to Attract Women

指導教授 : 黃克先


勾引社群源自第二波女性主義浪潮後的的北美,是一群異性戀男性之間相互傳授和演練系統化求愛技巧的新興文化現象。本研究關注近十幾年來,勾引社群在台灣經歷的文化轉譯與產業化發展,從異性戀男性學習吸引女性技巧的主觀經驗出發,嘗試釐清台灣勾引社群的內部運作動力,及其對學習者情感主體性產生的影響。 本研究採取深度訪談與論述分析相結合的研究方法,訪談十八名勾引社群資訊的學習者,同時對四間戀愛培訓機構的教學文本進行觀察分析。本研究發現,情感教育的缺失與升學體制養成的慣習,令異性戀男性在戀愛社會化過程中傾向尋求確定性強、可操作的方法以解決自身的情感困境。而勾引社群文化進入台灣之後,經歷適應在地文化脈絡的改造,原本以性為驅動的身體慣性技巧被包裝成訓練情感與心靈能力的絕招,從而扣合學習者的需求,成為有利可圖的商業產品。藉助兜售與購買、傳授與學習,約會教練和學習者之間建立起一個意在提升情色資本的自助團體,在經驗分享與情感互助之外,他們也與追求效率和工具化的企業邏輯捆綁,逐步邁向對親密關係的完全理性化,墮入無休止自我競爭的陷阱。 本研究試圖透過台灣勾引社群參與者的自我詮釋,對此社群/產業進行初步的描繪,以期顛覆被大眾媒體建構的汙名與刻板印象,使其呈現更為清晰與貼近真實的可能。本研究認為,唯有釐清隱藏在小眾現象背後的動機與動力,及其反映出的社會文化結構,才有可能動搖性別權力機制,為從網路到現實中的性別暴力問題提供解方。


Originating in North America after the second wave of feminism, the seduction community is an emerging cultural phenomenon in which heterosexual men teach and practice systematic techniques to attract women. This study focuses on the cultural translation and industrialization development of the seduction community in Taiwan over the past decade. Based on the subjective experience of heterosexual men learning the skills, this study attempts to clarify the inner workings of the seduction community in Taiwan and its impact on learners' emotional subjectivity. This study adopted a research method combining in-depth interviews and discourse analysis. I interviewed 18 learners of seduction community information, and observed the teaching literature of four training institutions. This study argues that heterosexual men tend to seek certain and operational methods to solve dilemmas in their processes of love socialization, due to the lack of emotional education and the habitus formed by the credentialist education system. After introduced into Taiwan, the seduce community culture underwent a transformation to adapt to the local cultural context: the techniques related to physical habits, originally driven by sex, were packaged as a trick to train emotional and spiritual abilities, so as to meet the needs of learners and become profitable commercial products. Dating coaches and learners are establishing a self-help group aimed at enhancing their erotic capital, in which they share experiences and offer emotional supports, but are also tied to the corporate logic of pursuing efficiency and instrumentalization, moving towards a tremendous rationalization of intimacy and falling into the trap of endless self-competition. This study attempts to make a preliminary description of this community-industry based on the self-interpretation of the participants, in order to overturn the stigma and stereotype constructed by the mass media and offer an image clearer and closer to reality. I believe that only by clarifying the motives and dynamics behind an odd phenomenon and the social-cultural structures it reflects, can it be possible to shake the gender power mechanism and provide solutions to the problems of gender violence from online spaces to the real life.


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