  • 學位論文


Hybrid Disturbance Response Decoupling : Application to a Vibration Suppression Structure

指導教授 : 王富正


本論文提出混合擾動響應分解(Hybrid Disturbance Response Decoupling, Hybrid DRD)理論,並應用於雙層減震架構以規劃其減震策略。一般光學桌減震系統的擾動源可分為桌面的擾動力及地面的擾動位移,擾動響應分解(Disturbance Response Decouplng, DRD)將這兩個擾動源作獨立處理,以被動元件抑制地面擾動,並透過設計控制器搭配壓電致動器針對桌面擾動進行主動減震;而反向擾動響應分解(Inverse Disturbance Response Decouplng, INVDRD)則是以被動元件抑制桌面擾動,並透過設計控制器搭配壓電致動器對地面擾動進行主動減震。本論文進一步提出混和擾動響應分解(Hybrid DRD) 架構,可以在桌面及地面擾動同時輸入至系統時,同時獨立處理兩種擾動源,並且透過設計兩組控制器分別進行震動控制;因為這兩個控制器同時使用時互相不受影響,故可獨立進行主動式減震設計,並據以估測擾動訊號的特性。本論文所使用的雙層減震架構包含三個被動元件,因為三個被動元件的在架構中擺放的位置不同,所以當三個被動元件的剛性改變時,對系統的影響也會不同,所以我們將分析三個被動元件剛性對系統的影響。最後,我們整合混和擾動響應分解以及雙層減震架構的分析,提出一套減震的策略,並說明其應用。


This paper propose a theorem, called the Hybrid Disturbance Response Decoupling, to a double-layer vibration control structure and to design vibration control strategies. There are two main disturbances to a general optical table, namely the load disturbances and the ground disturbances. In the previous studies, the DRD theory was proposed to suppress the ground disturbances by passive elements, while the load disturbances were controlled actively by PZT actuators. On the other hand, INVDRD theory applied passive elements to suppress load disturbances and suppressed the ground disturbances by active control. This paper extends these ideas by proposing the Hybrid DRD, which can simultaneously suppress the two disturbances by active controllers. Through special filter design and feedback structure, the two controllers are independent and can be designed separately. That is, the two disturbances can be actively suppressed indivisually to simplify the design procedures. Furthermore, the disturbances can be estimated from the filtered signals in the Hybrid DRD structure. The Hybrid DRD theorem was applied to a double-layer vibration control structure, which consists of three passive elements. Therefore, we will discuss the impacts of the stiffness of these passive elements on system performance. Last we propose a set of vibration control strategies for the double-layer vibration control structure based on the Hybrid DRD theorem and the structure analyses.


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