  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influences of Biodiesel in Use for Diesel Vehicle on Engine Performance and Characteristics of Exhaust in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張慶源


200年來,人類文明的快速演進,化石能源的大量使用,造成化石能源耗之將盡以及溫室效應。未來半個世紀,人類面臨能源耗竭和環境衝擊的問題將是非常嚴峻。國際間對於減低溫室效應氣體漸具共識,溫室氣體排放減量已經成為國際環境規範,減量措施將驅動經濟體質的轉型和能源使用的新思維。世界各國面對能源發展的嚴竣情勢,無不竭盡全力開發可以取代化石能源的替代性能源,把握轉型為低碳經濟與低碳社會的契機,碳排放量較低或無碳的生質柴油因而引人矚目的。發展生質柴油除了可以延長化石能源使用年限和顯著減少溫室氣體的排放外,也帶動出頗具潛力的新興經濟市場。 台灣天然資源蘊藏貧乏,能源幾乎全數仰賴進口,面對溫室氣體減量之壓力、傳統能源耗竭以及國際能源環境的多變,能源多樣化以及尋求替代性能源將刻不容緩。台灣在生質柴油的推廣上尚處於起步階段,2004 年10月第一座生質柴油示範生產工廠在嘉義縣設立。惟在相關法規制度面、油品規範以及檢驗方法均尚未建立或標準化,對於油品特性和應用於柴油車輛的本土性相關數據亦相當缺乏。 2005年台灣環境保護署在行政院非核家園具體行動方案下,在13個縣市單位以垃圾車為對象推動添加生質柴油車輛之道路試行,車輛總數超過700輛以上。這是台灣將生質柴油較大規模應用於柴油車輛道路試行的初次經驗,亦是世界各國首次以垃圾車為對象,進行較大規模實際道路運行測試,其經驗將不容忽視。 本研究經由探訪台灣生質柴油製造工廠以及2005 年參與試行的單位,蒐集油品及試行相關資料並加以分析探討,進行台灣生質柴油之油品特性及柴油車輛實際道路試行的排放特性和引擎性能影響之研究。 研究結果顯示,台灣自產生質柴油的品質,動力黏度為4.0~6.0 cSt @ 40 ℃左右,介於美國ASTM規範為6.0以下,歐盟EN規範為3.5以上,閃火點為140~180 ℃左右,大於美國ASTM規範為100及歐盟EN規範為120以上,十六烷值為43~50左右,大於美國ASTM規範為40以上,在歐盟EN規範為51以下,蒸餾溫度(T90)大多位於330~345 ℃左右,皆小於歐盟EN規範為360 ℃以下,相較於歐盟和美國的生質柴油規範標準毫不遜色,顯見台灣在生質柴油的產製技術上已臻成熟。以自產生質柴油應用在柴油車輛實際道路運行,在B20的添加比例下,污染度減少12.30%,CO 減少12.60%,HC 減少17.43%,NOx 增加11.30%,馬力減少5.20%,油耗增加8.50%。在B40 的添加比例下,污染度減少4.99%,CO 減少16.88%,HC 減少13.63 %,NOx 增加14.38 % ,馬力減少12.95 %,油耗增加7.00%。在B100 的添加比例下,污染度增加12.04 %,CO 減少36.17 %,HC 減少44.65 % ,NOx 增加3.75 %,馬力減少5.02 %,油耗增加12.84 %。


During the last 200 years, the great progress of human civilization and considerable use of fossil energy have brought about not only rapid using up of fossil energy but also significant greenhouse effect. In the future 50 years, human beings will run out of energy resources and confront serious environment problems. A common consensus of greenhouse gas emission reduction has reached and it has also become an international appeal on environmental protection already. Taking measures of reducing greenhouse gas emission will promote a conversion of economic system and new thinking of energy exploitation. In order to face the serious situation of energy development, many countries tring have been hard to exploit alternative energies to take the place of fossil energy and grasp at every opportunity that may help toward a low-carbon economy and society. Biodiesel is conspicuous in all kinds of alternative energies because of its lower carbon emission or no carbon emission. The exploitation of biodiesel extends tenure of use on fossil energy, decreases greenhouse gas emissions and also brings out a new economic market. There is a lack of natural resources in Taiwan with most resources being imported from other countries. It is of great urgency and importance to seek alternative energies because of the pressures of reducing greenhouse gas emission, using up of fossil energy and the changing market situation of international energy supply. The promotion of the production and usage of biodiesel in Taiwan is at initial starting. The first Taiwanese factory producing biodiesel of 3,000 metric tons per year was established in Chiayi County of Taiwan in October 2004, yet the laws, standards of oil and methods of testing were not established or standardized. It is still in short of information about the characteristics of domestic biodiesel and performance data biodiesel of local diesel vehicles using. Under the plan The Central Government’s Nuclear-Free Homeland in 2005, over 700 garbage diesel vehicles in 13 counties of Taiwan were on trail. It is the first extensive test on the use of biodiesel for diesel vehicles in Taiwan and also the first extensive test on garbage diesel vehicles in the world, indicating the importance of the experience . The purpose of the present study is to assess the characteristics of biodiesel produced in Taiwan and to examine the emission characteristics and engine performance of diesel vehicles using biodiesel. Data on biodiesel and performance tests of diesel vehicles were collected and analyze from the factories producing biodiesel and organizations participating the performance tests in 2005. According to the collected data were then examined and assessed analysis of data, the qualities of biodiesel of Taiwan is not worse than that in European and American countries. It implies that the technology of producing biodiesel in Taiwan as good as EU and USA. Additionally, the following results were found based on the field performance of diesel vehicles using biodiesel. In the use B20(with volume ratio of biodiesel to fossile diesel of 20:80) biodiesel, the results show ed: decrease of pollution of particulate matter(PM) of about 12.30%, decrease of CO of 12.60%, decrease of HC of 17.43%, increase of NOx of 11.30%, decreases of horsepower of 5.20%, and oil consumption increase 8.50%. As for the use of B40, the results indicated:the degree of pollution decrease of PM of 4.99%, decrease of CO of 16.88%, decrease of HC of 13.63%, increase of NOx of 14.38%, decrease of horsepower of 12.95%, and oil consumption increase of 7.00%.For the case of using B100, the results showed: increase of PM of 12.40%, decrease of CO of 36.17%, decrease of HC of 44.65%, increase of NOx of 3.75%, increase of horsepower of 5.02%, and oil consumption increase of 12.84%.


biodiesel performance characteristics


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