  • 學位論文


Internet Of Things Application In Power Tools Lean Channel Management

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


電動工具行業和國內其他傳統行業一樣,近年來面臨諸多市場的變化、行銷的變革和管理的挑戰。管道是這些製造企業行銷系統最重要的環節,也是變化最快的地方,傳統行業管道管理如何來應對? 本文以電動工具的從業人員的角度,提出了理論結合實際的應對之策,具體闡述以下內容: 首先詳細描述了電動工具傳統行業的發展歷程和現狀,分析了其管道結構以及面臨的問題,其次結合管道效率、管道行為和管道關係的基本理論,提出當下需採用精益管道管理的方法來應對。 所有的管理理論需要結合實踐,精益管理的思想最早用於工廠管理,注重成本節約,程序控制或品質改善。精益思想用於銷售管理也已有很多的實踐,但在國內像傳統電動工具複雜、鬆散和冗長的管道要實行精益管理,沒有科學的方法和現代技術使之落地,仍然只會是紙上談兵。從精益管理的思想出發,結合現在電動工具行業的現狀與特點,筆者提出物聯網技術在該行業的管道管理中具有重要意義。 物聯網的思想是近年來的最大熱點之一,目前要麼留在概念階段,要麼僅限於家居物聯、溯源等的運用上,實際上在B2B的用途上有更廣大的空間。論文簡單介紹了物聯網的基本組成以及B公司如何搭建基於二維碼、移動互聯APP的商品管道物聯系統,並且也具體地介紹了幾種典型的管道管理應用。 本文的實質是在行銷管道相關理論指導下,展示一個結合物聯網技術和精益管道管理思想在傳統行業應用的最佳實踐。


Power tools business, as one of the traditional businesses in China, faced market dynamic changes, channel transformations and management challenges in recent years. Channel is the key element of success factor for those traditional trade enterprises, which is the biggest changing segment as well. How to take the above challenges? The thesis will give the solution through relevant theories and the writer’s current practice in power tool channel management. Firstly, it describes the history of power tool business including channel development in China and the status quo of business. It also analyzes the existing channel structure and issues. With the channel efficiency, channel behavior and channel relationship theories introduction, it points out that enterprises should adapt lean management method to manage the current traditional trade channel in China. Lean management was used in manufacture originally to improve quality, save cost or control process. There are also some practices in other businesses but never in power tools since its complicate, multi-layer and loosing channel structures. The thesis will introduce the evaluation system and most KPI of lean channel management. Without advanced methods and mechanism, lean channel management could only happen on paper. Internet of things is one of the hottest topics at present but mostly in concept stage or have only limits applications in residential device connection or commodity sourcing etc. Actually IoT can be used in more B2B business application. The thesis will introduce the basic structure of IoT and IoT channel management system of company B where it uses QR code, mobile App and cloud server. The thesis also shares the experience of company B to use IoT system to improve channel efficiency and channel communication, sets the channel price discrimination and solves the channel conflict. The essential of the thesis is to provide the best practice combining channel theories, internet of things mechanism and lean management in traditional channel management.


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