  • 學位論文


The Influence on Communications by NCC's Regulation, 2006-2013

指導教授 : 蕭全政博士


本文以整合通訊傳播業務而成立之NCC為研究對象,運用政治經濟學之偏差與偏差動員等概念分析,及涵蓋組織制度與管制模式等理論,並從通訊、傳播與其匯流等三個領域中挑選對於產業發展、國民權利、消費者利益及多元文化較具影響做案例分析,以探討通訊傳播機關組織制度改變與管制功能之變化。本研究選定之案例分別為通訊領域之電信資費管制、傳播領域中探討NCC於2010年撤銷衛星廣播電視頻道業者經營「年代綜合台」所涉之管制,及通訊與傳播匯流領域之電波頻率所涉廣播電台之管制。 在產業經濟全球化、通訊傳播技術演進,及民主政治時代與社會環境快速變遷下,本研究認為政府之管制方向應鼓勵並督促業者自主規制,考量採取公私協力及以宣示、鼓勵、促進、協商與指導性質等較為軟性之法規範,解決傳統管制模式導致之政府失靈,使NCC成為「智慧型管制者」,促使通訊傳播產業健全發展並為全體國民帶來真正之福利。 此外,NCC組織體制之運行與維護,需有許多制度上之調適與理論支持。政府於未來如確認應該獨立之功能領域,應在運作上給予足夠之制度性保障。如其運作績效不佳或整體環境改變不再適用時,亦應適時檢討並儘快回歸一般之科層體制。面對內外部環境變遷時,NCC應透過組織變革及管制方式調整予以因應,以維繫組織效能之正常運作。


This thesis, analyzing the cases having obvious impact on development of business, citizens' rights, consumers' interests, and cultural diversity from the fields of telecommunications, broadcasting, and convergence technology, using the concepts of bias and the mobilization of bias, and covering the theory of organizational system and regulatory model, is to discuss the impact of the changes of regulation and organization system in the communication authority, National Communications Commission (NCC). The regulations in the above cases include telecommunication price regulation, the regulation concerning the cancellation of ERA TV license as a satellite channel, and the radio stations using electric wave frequency. In response to the industrial and economic globalization, the evolution of communication technologies, rapid change of democratic policies and civil environment, the government should encourage the market operator to make good use of self-regulation, and should also take into consideration the reality of the powerful Public Private Partnerships and soft-law governance as well. As to solve the ‘Government failure’ - the poor traditional regulatory measures, it is important to make NCC a ‘smart regulator’, and to accommodate sound development of communications, so that to bring indeed welfare to all citizens. Furthermore, it needs much adaptation of institution and support of theory that has been implemented and maintained by NCC’s organizational system. In the future, the government therefore should provide enough institutional policy protection after making sure which area has to be independent. It is highly recommended that timely review of the market trends and dispose of bureaucrat system as soon as possible are critical whenever the mechanism is found inefficiency. For improving the organizational efficiency, NCC is also advised to adapt by means of organization reengineering and policy refining of the regulatory measures so as to deal with the ever-changing world.


