  • 學位論文


The Universal succession of the Obligation in Administrative Law

指導教授 : 李建良


本論文的核心在於是在概括繼受之法律概念,試著對公法領域中,人民對國家的義務加以研究,在我國行政法上義務概括繼受的發展,討論上並不如其他公法領域之議題,然而概括繼受之發生,實乃必定發生,故理論的建立、要件的釐清、法規範的探尋、正當程序的建構,為本文的探討重心。 首先就「概括繼受」此種制度加以介紹,先以繼受一詞概念分析,並試著就我國各該法領域之繼受概念的代表詞彙整哩,接著就概括繼受之目的及涉及基本權利的侵害,置於憲法領域加以討論。再者就本文討論概括繼受之標的──公法上義務,加以細究其內涵,試著比較公法上與民法上之義務差別,以及公法上義務與責任之差別,以更深度了解何謂義務。 接著,就概括繼受的要件思考流程為介紹,藉由學理文獻之整理,將概括繼受之要件作更具體的說明,並且將重心聚焦於概括繼受法規範部分,因我國公法領域對此尚未有一般性規範,然為符合法律保留原則的要求,嘗試就我國民法、公司法、行政執行法的規定涉及概括繼受之一般性規定,細究其要件及用語,以得出公法上義務藉由其他法規範概括繼受之空間,並給予立法論上的建議,達到根本完整公法上概括繼受制度之理想。又,就概括繼受之正當法律程序部分的建構,亦完整概括繼受之程序保障。 接續著提出我國具備代表性概括繼受案例,以土汙法的整治義務、罰鍰義務及公法上不當得利返還義務作為核心,本於前述建構之概括繼受要件,試著就具體案例加以剖析,以得出結論。 最後對於前述概括繼受之理論面、實務面及本文見解加以整理,作為本論文之總結。


The purpose of the study was focused on the universal succession, especially in the people’s obligation of Administration law. Since there are not much literature addressed the issue in Taiwan , it would be necessary to establish the system of the universal succession in Administrative law. As a result, it has to analyze its elements , statutes and due process. First of all, the study introduced the system of the universal succession in terms of Constitution Law. Also, it is crucial to realize “the obligation of administrative law”. By means of comparing with the obligation of Civil law and the obligation of Administrative law , it could be clearer to understand it. In addition, by deducting from literature , the study explained the factors and tried to be specific. It emphasized on the principle of legal reservation. By seeking other fields of law such as Civil law, Company law and Administrative Execution Law , some articles could be adapted in obligation of administrative law. However the best way to complete the system is that law makers must reform the Administrative law in legislative technology. Besides, the study tried to construct the due process of law for universal succession. It would complete its procedure guarantee function. Furthermore, the study provided some significant cases such as duty of pollution Remediation by Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, duty of fines and Unjust Enrichment obligation. By analyzing them, it could assist to comprehend the concept and how to apply it properly. In conclusion, The study analyzed practical cases, could serve as a guide for further research.


