  • 學位論文

台灣濕式電子化學品廠商之經營與發展策略分析 —以P 公司為例

Analysis of Management and Growth Strategy in Taiwan Wet Electronic Chemical Industry-A case study of P Company

指導教授 : 陳忠仁


2017年台灣半導體產業鏈產值達新台幣2.46兆,全球排名第三,在專業晶圓代工製造領域更長期獨占鰲頭。台灣如何能在晶圓代工令遇有獨特的市場地位,在地完整的供應鏈佔有指標性的意義。台灣半導體除了在技術上在與韓國、美國、日本競爭激烈外,在地完整的上游供應鏈除了讓客戶可二十四小時不間斷生產,供應高品質而低成本的濕式化學品也讓半導體客戶在製造基礎上佔有先天的優勢。 本研究選定濕式電子化學產業在地化領頭羊P公司進行個案研究,分析其從公司創立起源、策略選定、目標集中、成本領導,到現在演進到差異化策略,進而轉向國際化布局。從理解其成立到擴大市佔率,逐步發展多元產品組合,可作為企業的成長與資源循序布局的發展規劃參考。


In 2017, the total market value of Taiwan's semiconductor industry supply chain was reached to NT$2.46, which ranking is No.3 of the world, and it took the lead in the foundry and semiconductor manufacturing field. How Taiwan can have a unique market position in this industry, the complete supply chain inside Taiwan shows a significant meaning. In addition to leading technical competitiveness comparing with South Korea, United States, and Japan, Taiwan Semiconductor's complete upstream supply chain not only allows customers to produce continuously, but also supplies high-quality, low-cost wet chemicals to semiconductor customer, which empower the industry to have low cost and efficient in manufacturing. In the paper, the electronic wet chemical industry selected the leading P company to conduct a case study to analyze its origins from the company's founding, strategy selection from target concentration, cost leadership, to the current evolution to differentiation strategy, and to be internationally. Understanding P company’s establishment to expand market share and gradually develop a multi-product portfolio can be used as a reference for the development planning of one company's growth and resource allocation.


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