  • 學位論文


The Study of the Factors in Behavioral Intentions: Example in Financial Industry

指導教授 : 翁崇雄 博士


隨著產業結構的改變,服務業的重要性亦與日俱增。鑑於服務業與實體商品行銷產生不同的特性與觀念;加以國內相關研究,大都著重在探討服務品質、產品品質、顧客滿意度,以及顧客忠誠度等方向為主。因此本研究旨在研究近年來較被實務界關注的關係行銷、關係品質、品牌偏好及消費者心理特質對消費者行為意向之影響。本研究之研究目的為:(1)界定關係行銷、關係品質的構面,並研究關係行銷活動對關係品質的影響。(2)探討消費者品牌偏好與調節焦點的意義,並研究調節焦點對品牌偏好與行為意向關係之干擾效果。(3)界定行為意向的構面,並建立關係行銷、關係品質、品牌偏好、調節焦點與行為意向之間關係的一個完整架構。本研究選擇無形性比重較高、並且競爭激烈的金融服務業為實證對象。消費者反應之初級資料蒐集採問卷調查方法,針對接受金融機構服務的消費者為受訪對象,完成有效樣本數為348份。 研究結果顯示,品牌偏好會對關係品質有正向的影響。關係行銷對關係品質的關係中,除了財務性與社交性結合對信賴、財務性結合對承諾無顯著關係外,其餘皆有顯著正向關係。而在關係品質對行為意向的關係中,除了信賴對行為意向的三個構面、滿意對付出、承諾對反應沒有顯著關係外,其餘皆達顯著正向關係。最後調節焦點人格特質在品牌偏好與行為意向的關係中具有干擾效果。因此行銷經理人在思考關係行銷策略時,應該多考慮社交性結合的方式,而不是只靠財務性結合,才能深耕顧客關係。另外也可透過調節焦點的人格特質來區隔顧客,分別施予不同的行銷方式,有效地提高不同顧客的行為意向以強化行銷效果。


As service industry started to play an important role in the Taiwan economy and account over 70% of the Taiwan’s GDP, the understanding of the relationship marketing has become a critical matter. This study intends to understand the effects of relationship marketing, relationship quality, and brand preference on behavior intentions. The objectives of this investigation are: (1) Relationships between relationship marketing and relationship quality, (2) Relationships between brand preference and behavior intentions, and (3) Relationships among relationship marketing, relationship quality, brand preference, regulatory focus, and behavior intentions. We sampled 348 people who have experienced the financial service. The results indicate that brand preference is significantly positively related to relationship quality. Moreover, In addition to no significant relationships between financial bond and trust, and between social bond and trust, relationship marketing is significantly positively related to relationship quality. In addition to no significant relationships between trust and three dimensions of behavior intention, between satisfaction and payment, and between commitment and response, relationship quality is significantly positively related to behavior intention. Finally, regulatory focus has moderation effect on brand preference and behavior intention. The marketing strategy of financial service is not only financial bond but also social bond. The manager of financial service can also use regulatory focus to redefine different target customers.


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